Display and link problems

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  • #12418
    Anthony D’Arco

    Ok, I hate to do this to you, because I know its not all that helpful, but I am having some really strange problems. I am running both the latest version of Events Calendar Pro and WP, and I haven’t done any modification to the plugin files.
    1. On the single page it seems as though random information is displayed in random fields.
    2. From the Advanced Event Widget, it won’t link correctly to the single event.

    Let me know if there is more information you need the website is: st-mikes.org.

    Thank you,


    Ah, the infamous “1970” permalinks issue. Had a few people reporting this the past few days and it’s something we’re working to eliminate from happening entirely for the 2.1 release. But let’s see if we can get it functional for you in the interim (we’re usually able to).

    First: have you resaved your permalinks page recently? That’d be my suggestion right off the bat. Then, can you confirm the permalinks structure you’re using? There have been some issues with non-pretty permalinks, so if you switched to a pretty structure (ie /%postname%/) it may resolve the issue.

    If neither of those do the trick, is it possible you’ve got another plugin conflicting (possibly either a calendaring plugin or one that alters/changes URL structures at all)? Would be awesome if you had the ability to try deactivating other plugins to test for a conflict.

    Let me know about the above, and we can keep looking into this for you.

    Anthony D’Arco

    I have not changed my permalinks recently, however, I did try using the permalink you prescribed to no avail. I also tried to turn off my plugins, and that didn’t seem to help either. I suppose the good news is I’m not the only one having this problem.


    Hey Anthony. Thanks for giving those a shot; bummer to hear that it was to no avail. Want to send me a set of backend creds (rob at tri.be), and I can take a look directly?


    Thanks for sending over those creds. I was just able to get in and can see what’s going on with the widget and the 1970 links, but am not sure why that’s happening. I’m going to need a developer to take a look. I should note that because of the holidays, our support is winding down for this week and next due to the holidays – so responses won’t be as timely as normal. I’ve sent this to Jonah accordingly but no guarantees of the usual 24-hour response. Know that this is on our radar though.

    On the issue of random information being displayed in single entries: has this been resolved, or am I just looking in the wrong place? Clicked into a few of your events and everything looked fine…

    Anthony D’Arco

    No this hasn’t been resolved. For instance, one of the events “Parish Office Closed” it shows that it dip lays the title in the title field and the date field, and then it doesn’t show the date at all.

    Thank you,


    Hey Anthony. Thanks for the follow-up. On all of your Parish Office Closed events, I’m seeing them to look like this: http://www.st-mikes.org/event/parish-office-closed/. What is the random information you speak of? All I see there is the event title.

    Anthony D’Arco

    Actually, I just went into the single.php and deleted. I asked the client if they wanted it anyway, and they didn’t. I will let you know if I have any additional trouble (however, the 1970 error is still persistent). Thank you for the quick replies.

    Thank you,

    Anthony D’Arco

    Ok, so I started noting that there were some errors with recurring events across all the sites I use this plugin on. What was happening is on the single.php where it had a date for “Updated” and “Recurring.” Whenever these were displayed from the single.php information would appear in incorrect spots or not at all (in most cases). I fixed this problem by simply deleting these two fields from the single.php, and sure enough, the pages started displaying properly for all the events (not just recurring). That would lead me to believe that there is something wrong with those particular fields when displayed.

    Anyway, I hope that helps you guys debug that; however, I am still having the 1970 error.

    Thank you,


    Hey Anthony. Glad to see you got most of this figured out on your own, though sorry to say I didn’t help much along the way 🙂 Let me check with the dev team regarding the solution for the Updated/Recurring issue to see if there’s something we can change on that for the next release.

    Will have Jonah, our dev, take a look and comment directly re: the 1970 issue.

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