Display an 'Event happening today' message in List view

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  • #1436972

    Hello again,

    I am wondering if there is a way to display a message when an event is running on the day in List view, like an ‘Event runs today’ message?

    The reason I want this, is because I currently have a message which says if an event is fully booked, however there seems to be a bit of a conflict when the event is running today and doesn’t display my message entirely so would rather display a different message entirely.

    I currently have this written in my child theme’s /tribe-events/list/single-event.php:

    if ($EventStartDate === $current_date) {
    echo "-";
    } else {
    echo "--";

    It’s saying that if the Event’s start date is the same as the current date, display ‘-‘ else display ‘–‘ but it’s showing them all the same.

    my knowledge of PHP is very basic, though I am trying to learn as I go along so forgive me if what I have makes 0 sense.

    Also, I am sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this, I am struggling with something that I feel should be quite straight forward!

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