Discounting plugins

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  • #1025039
    Matthew Toan

    I use both events calendar Pro and Tickets, it works well for our purposes however Im wondering if there is a plugin that works well for discounting events. I have tried integrating plugins with this but they don’t seem to work as events calendar uses its own custom events categories. Basically what Im trying to do is:

    Apply a discount when two specific events are booked at the same time, for example. Event normally costs $20 and Event Y costs $30. If you purchase one of these you pay the normal price or if you purchase one of these plus some other product you pay the normal amount. however if you purchase both X and Y together in the same cart then a discount of $10 is applied to the total. Is this possible? this is a requirement for a diffrent client of mine and if someone can point me at a plugin that will accomplish this then i will be buying another licence for this new client. Thanks


    Howdy Matthew,

    Good question. I know a number of people facing a similar issue have used WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts in combination with WooCommerce Tickets. That seems to be a popular solution. We can’t fully support it, but I have yet to hear any complaints from folks using it.

    Keep in mind that the products, or tickets, do not use either event categories or WordPress post cats. They use WooCommerce’ ones. You can set an individual ticket to be in any old Woo category, and it will have no effect on its parent event. By default all tickets are in the hidden Woo category called “Tickets”.  In order to edit the category, just click the edit button next to the ticket. From there you will see the full WooCommerce edit page which allows you to change basically everything about the product/ticket.

    Does that all make sense? Will that work for you? Please let me know.


    – Brook

    Matthew Toan

    Hey Brook, thanks for the fast response. Yea iv had purchased that plugin and was struggling to get it to work until i discovered that “Edit in Woocommerce” link in the ticket area. That does indeed fix the problem and fits nicely into my clients work flow.. ie, it doesn’t confuse her to much 🙂 Only issue i have now is that for the discounts to apply a customer needs to click on the apply coupons button even tho there is no coupon entered. This is a tad annoying, however i guess i can knock up some dummy coupon that does nothing and advertise that around the site. Would be better if i didn’t need to do that tho and it just applied the discount automatically when conditions are met. Anyways Iv contacted support for the discount plugin so hopefully they can help me out there. Thanks for your time! hope this saves somone else some time.


    Huh. That is interesting. Thank you for sharing that tidbit Matthew. I am not sure anyone on our team has used the Dynamic plugin before, so we are only familiar with hearsay. So it’s good to know it might not be perfectly smooth.

    I’ve flagged this for later review. Perhaps we will be able to write a full tutorial on how this works and help folks like you handle quirks. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

    • Brook
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