Discount Codes working differently: only applied once to each ticket

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Discount Codes working differently: only applied once to each ticket

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    We have an issue that’s been there for a couple of months and is turning out to be rather annoying.

    Before the discount code (flat amount) would also apply to any administration costs (flat fee for payment gateways). So if I would sell a 20 EUR ticket with a 1 EUR payment fee I could provide a 21 EUR discount code to whoever needed a free ticket.

    Now the discount no longer applies to the payment gateway fee.

    Even more annoyingly, a discount amount only applies once to each ticket type: an order of two 20 EUR tickets (with a 1 EUR payment fee) with a discount code (of 41 EUR) results in the remaining price being 21 EUR as only ONE ticket is deducted! This is a big thing for us and terribly annoying.

    Not even using different discount codes with allowing customers the use of multiple discount codes within one order removes the payment fee or the same ticket twice.

    Why change the way discount codes work? Or are we missing a setting somewhere?

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,


    Hi Niko,

    Thanks for contacting us and my apologies for any frustration you are facing.

    It sounds as if, perhaps, this is more of an Easy Digital Downloads question than an Event Tickets Plus one – unless you are finding that regular EDD products/downloads work differently when discounts are similarly applied to them? If you are unsure, that could in fact be a good test to perform.

    Assuming it is indeed a core EDD issue rather than something that is specific to our ticketing implementation, I’d recommend reaching out to the EDD support team for assistance.

    Of course if that is not the case, please let me know and we’ll see what we can do to help further 🙂


    Found the issue on the EDD Github. Will proceed there.


    Excellent – thanks for confirming and for sharing the link to the relevant issue 🙂

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