Disabling plugin – trouble turning Calendar Pro off

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    I am having a problem turning the plugin off. We are not using it at the moment because our public course programme has finished.

    When I had the plugin running what I did was add categories to events so that they all showed up e.g. on a category pages like his one https://www.financialmodellingtraining.co.uk/category/valuation/. That all seemed to work well.
    You can see the links to the old events there although I have set up a redirect which works fine. Here is an example event on that page https://www.financialmodellingtraining.co.uk/course/valuation-modelling-masterclass-sep-5-days/ which redirects just fine.

    The problem happens when I turn the plugin off. The old events still stay listed e.g. at https://www.financialmodellingtraining.co.uk/category/valuation/. That’s fine, I don’t mind that. I guess they’re there because they still exist as custom posts in the system. But the problem is, after you’ve turned the plugin off, something like https://www.financialmodellingtraining.co.uk/course/valuation-modelling-masterclass-sep-5-days/ stops redirecting which is really strange. This is the problem and it means I can’t turn the plugin off.

    Do you have any idea what might be causing this? Should I just fiddle with my redirects? It seems bizarre that they would work with the plugin turned on but not with the plugin turned off. Is it all to do with the slug I use for events (which disappears with the plugin off)? I really have no idea about this.

    Is it worth asking you to have a quick look at my child theme functions file because I’m no expert and I added a few things there on the internet’s advice and I am no expert.

    Thanks for thinking about this! I just want to be able to turn the plugin off when we are not using it and right now I’m kind of stuck with it forever.



    Hi Mark,

    Sorry to hear you’ve hit up against some difficulties.

    What’s odd is, your /category/valuation/ archive seems to be a regular post category archive (whereas, by default, events use their own categories which exist as something distinct from regular WordPress blog post categories).

    Did you setup a customization to accomplish this? If so, perhaps the clue lies with one of the tweaks you made.

    One other observation I would make is that – and perhaps you already did this but I felt it was worth being clear – you would need to deactivate both The Events Calendar and Events Calendar PRO.

    Last but not least, though I’m not sure what you’re using to handle redirects, various plugins like WP SEO support ‘wildcard’ style redirects, so you can for example target any URL containing /category/ or /course/ which might be helpful to you.


    OK thanks I will look at this suggestion.

    Re your first point what I did was add something to functions.php which
    added regular categories to events – that was so the events would show up
    in my regular category pages. As mentioned that has all been working fine
    with the plugin turned on.

    I will take another look at this again and let you know if I have any
    other problems. Thanks for your time in thinking about this one. You can
    close this thread.

    Thanks again,

    PS – is there a way to change my user name on the support forum?


    PS – is there a way to change my user name on the support forum?

    I think we can do that – can you let me know what you’d like it to be set to?

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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