Default Events Template

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    When creating an Event if I choose the “Default Events Template” the page will be messed up.
    If I choose Default Page Template it looks ok.
    How can we fix this?

    Thank you


    Hi Eugen,

    You can modify the Default Events Template by making a copy of /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/views/ecp-page-template.php and placing in an ‘events’ folder in your theme. Then just make any changes you need to to get it to look/work the way you want.

    I hope that helps!

    – Jonah


    Im sorry but I think it is above my technical skills… ANy other ideas on how to fix it?
    As you noticed, there are several things that are not right with the plugin. Would really love to have them all fixed sooner rather than later.

    Thank you


    Hello Jonah, don’t you think that this is the solution to my problems ? I have POSTS, CATEGORIES, META etc showing up at the bottom of event detail, I want to avoid these to display, I want only the event detail, dont’ want to show my website hierarchy etc… ! Maybe I should change the ecp-page-template.php somehow ?

    what about ? I have to change the view of a single event detail, because in this view I have the problem detailed in my previous discussion.


    @Eugen, the only other thing you can do is use the Default Page Template and then customize your theme’s page.php template or create your own custom page template as instructed here

    @simone – Yes, this is something along the lines of what you will need to do to remove the posts, categories, etc. from showing at the bottom of posts. You need to modify whatever template option you have chosen in Events > Settings > Template. You’ll need to go into that template and modify the code to get the layout you want in your theme. The steps for each theme is different so I can’t provide specific instructions for you.

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