Customizing the "Event Submitted" screen?

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    Is there a way to customize the message that community event submitters receive when they successfully add an event? As it is now, they only see “Event submitted”; we’d like to add a custom message.

    Thank you for any help you can provide!

    – Teresa


    Hi Teresa. Thanks for your question

    That message comes from the “submission handler” — to know whether to display “success” or “failure” type messages. In my quick searching through the code, I believe you could leverage the tribe_events_community_submission_message filter.

    However, we’ve found this Redirect to different URL after event submission plugin to solve multiple use cases (and is typically easier to implement). For example, you could redirect to a page that has your custom wording on it.

    Please let me know if this workaround is satisfactory.

    Have a great weekend!


    Hi Cliff,

    Thanks for your reply.

    This will solve it, but I wish there was an option in the add-on to customize the message 🙂

    I’ll put it in as a feature request!



    I’m glad that’ll work for you for now, and thanks for sharing your feedback via our feature requests.

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