Custom form with EDD Tickets

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    We are implementing The Events Calendar Pro using EDD Tickets (since we are already using EDD elsewhere on the site.

    We would like to be able to modify the registration form to add some additional questions, and have the answers be saved with the ticket and be included in the emails. I asked this same question in the EDD Tickets forum, and Pippin said it can’t happen on his side, but I should check on the side.

    So is it possible to do a custom form that does not break EDD Tickets functionality, or is there another way to add a custom field to a ticket and have the values get saved when the checkout form is processed?





    I can’t think of any real obstacles when it comes to adding extra form fields at some point in the process and similarly it is possible to customize EDD Tickets emails … that said, can you confirm which email exactly you are interested in customizing?



    I am not talking primarily about the email here, but the form. We want to add additional questions would be asked of the user on the registration/checkout form, and the values would be saved with the registration and available to be included in the emails.



    OK – well Pippin is really the subject matter expert there as the checkout form is generated by EDD rather than by EDD Tickets.

    I don’t quite understand why you cannot add additional fields there and put in place some logic to record the submitted values – but he’s definitely the best person to seek advice from on that count.

    Certainly if you do add some extra fields, there’s no reason you couldn’t store them in a suitable manner as post meta data.


    Again, this is what Pippen said yesterday, in this ticket:

    >>If you are using EDD Tickets, you won’t be able to modify the >>registration form with any of our extensions, sorry. If you open a >>ticket with Modern Tri. Be, they may be able to give you some guidance >>on modifying the registration form in their plugin.

    So where do I go from here?


    Is it possible some confusion arose from the way you described things? In this context I’m taking the “event registration form” to be a reference to the EDD checkout page, but perhaps Pippin thought you were referring to a form that our plugin generates.

    Can you clarify which form you are wishing to target?


    We want to capture answers to questions during event registration. As far as I know, the only forms that are part of that are the ticket form that appears on the single event page, and the checkout form. So I guess the questions should go into the checkout form.


    OK, sorry for all the confusion!

    So possibly Pippin did indeed misunderstand – maybe you could return and ask him about customizing the checkout form itself? That is in fact wholly controlled by Easy Digital Downloads and the template you’d want to interact with is an EDD one (templates/checkout_cart.php).

    You might also be interested in this resource from the website:

    Does that help here?


    Hi! It’s been a while so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread. If we can help with anything else, though, please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed. Thanks!

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