CSS styling Qs for Events Widget

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  • #59619

    A check on the suggestion of .widget-area .widget a {} did the usual….nyet. It isn’t my biggest issue anymore though I would like to resolve it and cross it off the list.

    I’ll use this space to also embellish a request for new features. Added my vote for having different start and end times for each day of a multi-day event. Please account for displaying this information (if you add it) on the Events List Widget. Thanks!

    Andy Fragen


    1. The plugin is designed to work for either The Events Calendar/PRO 2.x or 3.x. If you look in your page source you’ll see that the override stylesheet is loading and in the correct order. The idea behind the plugin was so you wouldn’t have to use 2 separate override files placed in 2 different locations. One for TEC and one for TECPro.

    2. I think your issue with the CSS for the title is you forgot about :hover and :visited.

    .widget-area .widget a, .widget-area .widget a:visited, .widget-area .widget a:hover {}

    If you want the link to look the same regardless of whether it’s been visited or being hovered over you must set all of these. If that’s not what you want please state what you’d like it to look like and under what circumstances. I’m sure we can figure this out.

    Your last item looks more like a feature request as this isn’t how the widget nor the event setting currently works. Is an event that starts and ends at different times on different days really a multi-day event?


    LIFO – Yes, there are several events I am familiar with that are multi-day events that have different start and end times on each day. Consider a 3 day festival from Fri-Sun. Everyone works Fridays, so the organizers begin the events for Friday late in the day. Saturday goes from 7am to 10pm, and Sunday is shortened to allow for travel home. It is a single, cohesive event that folks may only attend one day of and knowing times is part of planning for the event.

    Re: The User CSS plug-in not working. I loaded it on my test site which doesn’t use Pro, hence the reason it probably didn’t create the /events folder like it said it would. But that brings up another issue. The license is limited to one site, but I need to load it on my test site as well so I can proof things before going live on the “real” site. How do I overcome that?

    Re: All I want to do is be able to control the font (size, family, bold, color, etc) of the Events Title for each event shown in the Events List Widget. I can do so for the .duration of the event, but not the name (title) of the event. Very weird that this class selector is so elusive, or ineffective.

    Andy Fragen

    There are only 2 types of events that can be created, all-day events and start/end time events. If a weekend conference has different times on Fri, Sat and Sun and you wish to accurately reflect those times outside of the event description, you’ll likely have to create 3 individual events.

    The User CSS plugin is working. I can see it loading the correct stylesheet in the headers of your page. The plugin doesn’t create any files or folders. It uses the file/folder structure that Modern Tribe has recommended be used for CSS overrides. This changed from 2.x to 3.x and the plugin works with both. I wrote the User CSS plugin it’s in the WordPress plugin repository and is free under GPL v2 or higher license (as required to be listed in the repo).

    Regarding your CSS, I’ll have to take a closer look. It seems in your demo site the selector is li.tribe-events-list-widget-events h4.entry-title {}

    This will be different for PRO.
    You must remember that these are 2 different widgets with different selectors. Running TEC core on the demo site and TECPro on the live site won’t provide for proper testing.


    Sometimes also it’s worth being very specific to get around differences in theme structure. In your case, changing the event title formats (in the upcoming list widget) might be accomplished like this:

    #sidebar1 div.tribe-events-list-widget h4 a { color: #0f0; }

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