cron job just for imports

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    Wondering if we disable wordpress cron do you have a cron job just for imports we can use?


    Hi Ed,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I’m not quite sure what you exactly mean.

    The cron that is running the imports isĀ hooked to the WordPress cron. If the WP cron doesn’t fire, then the imports will also not. In this case you should set up a realĀ cron which will then fire all cronjobs for your site.

    If you are looking for hook names, the 2 connected to EA imports are:

    • tribe_aggregator_cron
    • tribe_aggregator_process_insert_records

    Setting up a real cron is beyond the scope of our support, but many guides exist on the internet describing the basic process. And you can always ask your web host for help.

    Let me know if this answers your question or if there’s anything else.



    That looks like the answer.

    I don’t want to run the WP cron, I just want to run the calendar import
    cron all by it self on a specific schedule.



    Happy to hear that helped Ed!

    Is there anything else I can help you with before I close this topic?


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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