Creates double venues

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    Sorry if have missed this discussion but each time I create a venue, it creates two rather than just one. I also had a bizarre thing where I was posting multiple events to the same venue and even though I was using the drop down to select the venue I ended up with 16 of the same venue. It’s a nice place and all but…..16??

    Running latest version of Event Calendar & Pro.


    Captain’s Log Additional

    I have deactivated my plugins to no effect other than making the page look real ugly. It’s a self created theme so I hope that isn’t the problem but…..


    Hey Nathan,

    That’s a strange problem indeed and not one that I’ve encountered with the plugin. Can you email me WP admin access to jonah [at] tri [dot] be so I can take a look? Please reference this thread so I know what it’s for. Is it ok if I test it out a bit too? I’ll delete whatever I create.


    Hi Nathan,

    One thing I want you to try is to up the memory on the server. Reason being is I got an error when trying to save an existing test event I created with a new venue. It was the type of error you usually get when there’s no enough memory allocated for the site on the server and I wonder if this is related to the issues you’ve been experiencing? See this article for ways to up your memory:

    Let me know if that does anything and if it doesn’t I’ll take another look.


    Hi Jonah, I upped the memory and then entered a new event. The venue was duplicated again. Maybe I just need a large hammer to beat it into submission?


    Hi Nathan, hmmm, I’m trying to replicate the issue and am not able to. Does it always happen for you? Does it happen when adding a new venue when adding an event or actually going through the Venues menu? Are you doing something like clicking the update button twice or going back and clicking publish again or anything else specific like that that could be double creating venues. Tell me everything you can about what you’re doing or better yet, if you have the ability to do a quick screencast that would be awesome! Jing is a great free app for doing quick little screencasts if you want to give that a try…


    Hey Nathan, I’m now wondering whether or not this is a plugin conflict or something going on with your theme. Can you try deactivating all other plugins to rule this out? If that doesn’t do it, can you try switching to the TwentyTen/Eleven theme?


    Hi Jonah,

    I am in the process to redoing the theme to eliminate as many plugins as possible. How about we leave this for now until I can upload the new theme where I should be able to eliminate most if not all plugins.


    Sounds good Nathan, just post back here when you have an update. I get email replies so I’ll see it.


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