Couple things that don’t work as they should.

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  • #71812

    I am in the process of building big website heavily based on your excellent plugin. But as always demo will not show all, so after couple of days of playing with the plugin I have following problems.

    1. Map view search distance limit, does not work in my opinion. I have it set up to 50km limit and it still shows me all results in Map mode. It just shows how far from searched city it is located … I want to have control how much users should see.

    2. Url is wrong (SEO and logical reasons). Right now it is and it should be (if anything)

    3. Another thing is that I would love to, to change url.
    to or
    This is something very, very important and I am wondering why for so many years You have it like you have it right now. There should be at least way to change url, like ie. K2 for Joomla, biggest and best CCK.

    So what I mean is that we should be able to get rid of slug for event and events. Adding events to posts loop helps for a moment, because when you go to event you go to calendars loop with wrong urls …

    4. Another bug is very weird. In tribe bar views in non-english website (in this case polish):
    – list loses icons (that is because classes change to polish translations)
    – one does not lose icon and it is a week, that one does not translates to polish it stays as week. That is way πŸ™‚

    All checked with pl/en mode and with default templates.


    Please respond to my issues.


    Hi mastafu!

    There are quite a lot of issues in your post – please note that we normally try to stick to one issue per thread. This prevents confusion and also makes it possible for us to provide more timely responses, as different team members can take on different threads and work with you simultaneously.

    Please respond to my issues.

    We’re always happy to help – but please do take note of the guidelines in our forum overview, particular with regards to the stated response times and the fact that we don’t generally provide weekend coverage (important, as you posted on a Sunday).

    Map view search distance limit, does not work in my opinion. I have it set up to 50km limit and it still shows me all results in Map mode. It just shows how far from searched city it is located … I want to have control how much users should see.

    By the sounds of things you are hitting against a known bug which we hope to resolve soon. Can you confirm that the problem is with the list of events below the map, rather than the pinmarked events on the map itself? Or, if not, can you provide a live example?

    Url is wrong (SEO and logical reasons). Right now it is and it should be (if anything)

    We’re definitely open to feedback: if you can make a case as to why this would be an improvement in SEO terms we’re listening – but please post this as a feature request over on our UserVoice page. Similarly so for your third point re the inclusion of category slugs in single event URLs.

    Another bug is very weird. In tribe bar views in non-english website (in this case polish):
    – list loses icons (that is because classes change to polish translations)
    – one does not lose icon and it is a week, that one does not translates to polish it stays as week.

    We’re aware of the issue with list view icons being translated inappropriately and this should be addressed in a forthcoming maintenance release.

    Once again, let’s stick to handling your question about map view/distance limits in this thread – if you need further support or have further questions about any of the other topics you raised please do so by creating a new thread.



    Hi Barry, I will respond here again, and then split it to separate posts.

    1. Map view
    It’s both. I have a list of all places not limited by distance and what is worse my map does not zoom in like yours. It should zoom in to location with selected place.

    I will make my dev env. available online soon for you to have a go with it.

    2. SEO and logical way of creating urls is wrong. Normal order is domain/category/subcategory/item

    In your case we have it like that: domain/category/item/subcategory
    I don’t find it as a reuqest to change but as a bug, which should be fixed ASAP.

    3. You did not responded to this one at all …

    4. This is easy to fix in styles … I did it myself. But pelase fix it too. Please keep in mind that week is not translated to non-english version of that word.


    Sure – we’d be more than happy to take a peek at the map view issue if you can create a remote dev site.

    If you can create new threads for everything else that would be appreciated – noting that I did indeed respond to point 3 which I also see as a matter of preference rather than a bug. If you feel strongly about the URL structure being “wrong”, however, please do create a new thread and make your case – we’re listening πŸ™‚


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    This reply is private.


    Thanks Mastafu: I can see what you mean now and yes, that is one of the issues we were aware of with map view/geo search. Happily it seems to be resolved in our development code (much of which will be available soon in the form of our upcoming maintenance release) and so this unusual behaviour where map limits aren’t respected should disappear at that point.


    This reply is private.


    I’m sorry but we don’t comment on release dates to avoid setting false expectations. That said, we are almost complete on the QA and testing phase so, vague though this sounds, it really should be soon πŸ™‚

    Let me get back to you (re your second question) – I’ll need to check with the team member heading up that particular programme.


    Hi, mastafu. As it’s been a couple of weeks since your last post, I’m going to close this thread. Please feel free to open a new one if you choose to pursue this further.

    Thanks! πŸ™‚

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