couple of presale questions

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    We’re considering using your pro calendar to replace our library calendar. Couple of feature questions.

    1) Is there a way to track attendees by just entering the total number at the event? Background: We often don’t require registration for events, but like to track the number of attendees.

    2) Similar to attendee tracking, is there a way to track volunteer hours? I thought I might be able to use the custom additional fields and hid them so they only show for logged in staff, but perhaps there is a better way.

    3) Is there a way to block scheduling events on certain days. For example, the library is closed New Years Day. The software we currently use will let us mark that as a holiday for all location and then it prevents recurring events from getting scheduled on those days. (not a deal breaker)

    4) For venues, we have multiple locations with in the same building. Does it make the most sense to make each of these a separate venue? Or is there some other way we could differentiate Main Library, Children’s Story Area from Main Library, Meeting Room.

    Thanks for your help on this!


    Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for the interest in our plugins.

    See my answers below:

    1) Is there a way to track attendees by just entering the total number at the event? Background: We often don’t require registration for events, but like to track the number of attendees.

    We have an attendee list per event that you can view in the backend that shows all tickets. Here is what our attendees list looks like:

    Attendees List

    2) Similar to attendee tracking, is there a way to track volunteer hours? I thought I might be able to use the custom additional fields and hid them so they only show for logged in staff, but perhaps there is a better way.

    We do not have any features to support this directly, you maybe to customize something, but that is beyond the support we can provide.

    3) Is there a way to block scheduling events on certain days. For example, the library is closed New Years Day. The software we currently use will let us mark that as a holiday for all location and then it prevents recurring events from getting scheduled on those days. (not a deal breaker)

    That is not a feature we have.

    4) For venues, we have multiple locations with in the same building. Does it make the most sense to make each of these a separate venue? Or is there some other way we could differentiate Main Library, Children’s Story Area from Main Library, Meeting Room.

    We do not support multiple locations for a venue so each one would be seperate.

    Let me know if you have any follow up questions.


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