Could my events calendar negatively affect my SEO?

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Could my events calendar negatively affect my SEO?

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  • #103778
    Erin Rush

    I am really happy with my calendar but I have recently stopped getting google traffic and my home page no longer comes up when I search for my site or other key phrases. I can only assume google has penalized me but I haven’t received a message in Webmaster tools. The only thing I can think of that I may be doing wrong is that I have a lot of duplicate content in my community events and community classes calendar as the community uploads content (often the even descriptions are copy paste from other places) and the descriptions for the classes are the same for each class in a series. I was hoping someone could tell me if this could be the case and if so, if there was any way to deal with it. I would really appreciate any insight. Thanks so much!

    Julie Kuehl

    Hey yorkshiretots,

    Goodness! I don’t know if that’s something we’re going to be able to help you with much as we are not SEO experts. What you’ve mentioned may not be ideal for SEO, but I’ve not heard much about this from others though. Plus that’s just how events work, I suppose. Same name, description, times, etc. But you might find better help from a WordPress SEO specialist.

    – Julie


    Hi yorkshiretots: did you have any further questions on this one?


    I’m going to guess you’re all good here and will close this thread. If we can help with anything else please just let us know. Thanks!

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