Correct Widget Display on single event view

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Correct Widget Display on single event view

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  • #931975

    I have the following setup on two different sites:
    Display: Page with sidebar
    Under the widgets section I have the following:
    Page with Sidebar Widgets
    Widgets A, B C
    Events Widget Area
    Widgets A, D, E

    The effect I want to achieve (and it’s working on site #1) is on any view other than a single event, have it show the page with sidebar widgets. In single event view, have it show Events Widget Area widgets.

    The frustration comes in when this is not what I am getting on Site #2. I’ve double and triple checked everything I can think of, and yet on Site #2, I either get Page with Sidebar or Events Widget Area widgets everywhere.

    Please advise….


    Hello ddbuster,

    Simply put, it sounds like you want two different sets of widgets to display on Events pages. For the single events page you want one unique set, and on every other page you want a different set. Is that correct?

    If so this is typically achieved by using our themer’s guide. Using that you can modify any view. You can then register a sidebar area via the usual way in any of the template, including the single event view, month view, and so forth.

    Another possible way is to create your own custom WP Page Template. Then using conditionals, such as tribe_is_month() to server up a unique widget area for a given set of pages. Perhaps you could just use:

    if(tribe_is_event() && is_single() { //show single sidebar } else { //show other sidebar }

    Since it sounds like you already have this setup on one site, likely you’ve already used one of the above methods. You should be able to basically duplicate what you’ve done before here.

    Does that all make sense? Does that answer your question? Please let me know.


    – Brook


    Yes, that is what I am after, but to my knowledge I have done nothing “custom” to achieve it!
    I am a bit baffled by the different behaviour between the two sites….


    That is baffling. There is no way to do that without a customization. Unless your other site is running a different theme, maybe it has Events Support baked in? Or perhaps it is running a widgetizing plugin that is made to support The Events Calendar?

    Let me know if you need any help. Thanks!

    – Brook


    Since this topic has gone for a spell without any update we are going to archive it. 🙂 If you need anything else though, please feel free to open a new topic. We would love to help.


    – Brook

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