Content Archives Setting Affects Event Listing

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    I am trying to limit the blog page to 300 characters per listing. I did so by modifying Content Archives section in the Genesis settings. This works; however, it also affects the events listing page for the Events Calendar plugin. This may be because in the Events Calendar display settings, it is set to use the default page template for the listings. The problem is, I can’t change this for other reasons. How can I get the archives setting to only apply to the blog listings page and not any events? Thanks in advance.


    Hey Michael,

    This might get a little tricky and I’m unfortunately unable to support these types of requests other than providing whatever documentation we have published on the matter, but I’d probably start by using a conditional along the lines of:


    This conditional will essentially check to see if the page is event-related or not and display the code you’ve implemented depending on the results of the conditional’s action. Another route would be to do a template override as explained in our Themer’s Guide.

    Please review our What support is provided for license holders? Knowledgebase article for more information and let me know if you’re able to get things working as you envision. Best of luck and have a great weekend ahead. Cheers!


    Well, what do ya know. There was already a KB on this that I just didn’t find: The code provided there works perfectly.


    Thank you for the update and sharing your solution! We have so much information, I often times forget or may be unaware of documentation relative to a thread, so I appreciate you sharing that for others to see.

    I’ll close this thread out but feel free to create a new one if you have any more questions. Cheers!

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