Charging Taxes in Canada Based on Home/Business Address

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Charging Taxes in Canada Based on Home/Business Address

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  • #44129
    Tim Stringer

    I’m based in Canada (BC) and am launching some online courses shortly and need to charge taxes based on the participants home/business address. For example, if the registrant is in Ontario they’ll be charged 13% HST, if they’re in Alberta they’ll be charged 5% and if they’re outside Canada (e.g. in the USA) they won’t be charged any tax. Does WooTickets have any facility to handle this? Ideally the correct tax would automatically be charged based on the address that the registrant provides. Unfortunately Eventbrite support is weak in this area…I confirmed with their support team that they only allow a single sales tax to be specified. This is ok for in-person events, but doesn’t satisfy the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency…our IRS) requirements for online events.


    Hi there.

    This is more of a WooCommerce question than a WooTickets one – but I believe this should be possible.

    You would need to visit WooCommerce > Settings > Tax and ensure that Enable Taxes is checked. You would also need to choose between calculating tax based on either the shipping or billing address.

    With that done you would need to compile the correct rates per province/territory – taking care to select the compound rate when applicable (Quebec springs to mind) – and WooCommerce should take care of the rest.

    Hope that helps 🙂

    Tim Stringer

    Thanks for your prompt reply, Barry. I purchased and installed WooTickets and WooCommerce and setup up the tax rate for the provinces in WooCommerce…and everything is working beautifully! A refreshing change from the convoluted and confusing method for doing this in Eventbrite…and this also means I won’t have to pay the Eventbrite fees for each registration.


    That’s great to hear – hopefully all else goes smoothly and if you do encounter any other issues feel free to create new threads as needed and we’ll do our best to help.

    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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