Changing wording/Where is US translation file?

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    Hello. In another post, someone asked how to change some of the language (e.g., “change “Venue” to “Location”) without going way into the code, and it was suggested that the best way to do this was to change the values in the US translation file. I’ve looked in the “lang” folder, and don’t see a US “.po” file. Where can I find this so that I can change some of the default wording?


    Howdy hound,

    There is an even easier way, and it will work better for you in the long run. Copy this snippet to your theme’s functions.php file. Then find the string of text that you want to change, and copy it exactly. Replace the “View all events in calendar” string with your new one. Now change the custom text. Make sure to keep the quotes surrounding your custom text and the new string of text.

    Does that make sense? Will that work for you? Please let me know. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Hmm. Sorry to be so dense, but you lost me.
    For starters, what snippet am I supposed to copy? Do I paste it in in front of every instance of text change I want?
    Would it be possible for you to show me a sample of a revised functions.php?
    Thank you for your help,


    So, while waiting to hear back from you, I poked around in the translation forums to see if I could find something useful. I used po.edit to make a “en_US.po/.mo” translation of Events Calendar Pro, uploaded that into a “languages” folder in WP Content, resaved my permalinks, and still no changes. I’m a little under the gun time-wise, and don’t know what else to try. Can you explain in Hit-Me-Over-The-Head-Simple-Terms what I am doing wrong, and how to fix?


    Oh, and yes, I did put the en_US code into the wp-config.php file….


    Hey there. Just giving this a nudge — I am stumped, and could really use some help changing some of the default wording. (e.g., change “Venue” to “Location”. I have tried changing them in the existing .pot files in both the Events Calendar & Events Calendar Pro, re-uploading them and resaving the permalinks, and still no difference. I would HUGELY appreciate your help. Thanks!


    Ooops! I am so sorry hound. I meant to link to this snippet, but I never inserted it. 🙁

    I hope that helps you get rolling. Editing the .po file is almost never a good idea. You have already discovered how it does not work very well for English, the default language. Furthermore there are ample other issues.

    My sincere apologies for the delay. It is weird, but each time someone posts our forum software basically resets the counter on how old their post is. Since we answer posts from oldest to newest, each time someone responds or “bumps” their own topic it means that they end up delaying their response. I apologize, I realize this is counter intuitive and a pain for you. I did not mean to ignore you this long at all! Our forum software basically just kept telling me that your topic always had a fresh response, and thus deprioritized it relative to others that need responses.

    I hope we just got that fixed for you. Let me know if you have questions, I will keep an eye out for this topic. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Brook, I’m sorry, but this is over my head.
    I’m not clear why making a en_US po version didn’t work.
    I don’t understand from your snippet what exactly I am supposed to substitute where and how many times. I can’t be the only one trying to do this. I thought I saw on the translations torus that someone had made a US translation, but I couldn’t find it. Is there some way that does NOT involve going into the PHP? It seems there MUST be a simpler way….


    Howdy hound,

    There is no good way aside from editing PHP. It is rather simple though using that snippet. For instance, if I wanted to modify the “Venue” and “Organizer” you could follow those instructions to create this number.

    The above will alow you to change any bit of text anywhere in our plugins. Some text can also be changed by following the themer’s guide. But even this options requires delving into PHP.

    Did that work for you? Please let me know. I bet the example snippet should help you a long way towards your goal. 🙂

    – Brook


    Brook, Thank you for your continued attention. I’m thinking I would also need to use the domain for Events Calendar Pro, yes?
    Would I duplicate everything substituting
    $domain === ‘tribe-events-calendar-pro’ for $domain === ‘tribe-events-calendar’
    or can you get both of them into the same statement?


    Howdy hound,

    That depends. To make it easier on you, you could simply delete this bit:

     && $domain === 'tribe-events-calendar'

    Or, you could replace it with, which does not care which tribe plugin it is modifying it simply just checks if it is a tribe plugin’s lang file.

    && strpos($domain, 'tribe-') === 0

    If this continues to give you trouble you might want to hire a developer to help out. If you do not know someone whom you can hire we keep a list of freelancers who are quite capable of making small changes on your behalf. You can obtain this list by emailing pro [at] and requesting it. I know it can be frustrating to have to hire people to make seemingly small changes on your behalf. But, when the change you want requires some PHP edits, frequently that means it is best you hire someone who has been schooled for a few years in programming. Hopefully you can get it working though. If something is not working, keep playing with it until it does. That is what all of us did while we were learning PHP. Have a great day hound!

    – Brook


    I’m starting to gets parts of it to work. How cool!!!
    Largest of thank you’s for your help & patience.


    You are of course very welcome Katie! I hope this has continued to go smooth. If not please post, we will be there to assist.

    I was just closing out some resolved topics like this one. Cheers!

    – Brook

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