Changing Featured Event Colors?

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    I am using the ‘Featured’ option on events just to mark which ones should appear in the “Featured Events” sidebar widget. I don’t really want them to look any different. I’m having a tough time overriding the styling – I keep getting white text on a #0EA0D7 background, regardless of the colors I set in the settings panel.

    Before I write a bunch of custom CSS !important rules to get around it, is there a recommended method for re-styling the featured event blocks, or a way to edit the .php to simply remove the ‘featured’ classes from these elements?


    Hey Drew,

    Thank you for reaching out to us!

    If you can let us know what specifc type of widget is I can give you a better answers, in the meantime I will provide you with some useful links and how to remove the class tribe-event-featured class.

    // File: functions.php
    function tribe_events_event_classes_remove_featured( $classes ) {
    $key = array_search( 'tribe-event-featured', $classes );
    if ( false !== $key ) {
    unset( $classes[ $key ] );
    return $classes;

    add_filter( 'tribe_events_event_classes', 'tribe_events_event_classes_remove_featured' );

    Let me know if you have any other questions or if you want to provide me more details on the theme you want to update I can provide you more details steps.

    Thanks and happy holidays,


    Hey there! Thanks for the quick reply during the holiday week. 😉

    I’ve added that new function to my functions.php, but that doesn’t seem to be doing the job. I’ve attached a couple of screenshots. Basically I am trying to get rid of that blue background and white text so that the event looks like any other event. I’m using the Photo view on the homepage and the ‘Events List’ widget in the sidebar.


    Scratch that – I think I figured out my mistake. That function should get me where I need to go, thanks!


    Awesome. I’m going to close the ticket and feel free to reach again if you have more questions.

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