Changing Event Pro page titles

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  • #82994

    Hi, I would like to rename the page title “Upcoming Events” as it does not accurately reflect how I use the plug-in. I am unable to find a setting and could not locate a similar thread. I suspect that this is very easy, but only if you know how.

    All/any advice will be hugely appreciated.

    Julie Kuehl

    Hi terrysteeley,

    If you’re willing to make a small tweak in the code you should be able to make this change easily. You’ll find some helpful information in our Themer’s Guide ( In the code, you should be looking for “tribe-events-page-title” to make your change.

    Does that help?

    — Julie


    This is the third time I’ve purchased the PRO version and in all three, I have this exact same problem. I looked and found the tribe-events-page-title but have no idea what to do with it. Can someone post something specific on what to change to either disable the page title or just make it say ‘events’ or something? If not, can someone be paid to fix this? It’s a constant problem that I hear many other people saying.. I was really hoping there was a fix in version 3.3 but it’s the same.

    Julie Kuehl

    Would this be helpful for you?

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