change Title on Edit an Event page

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  • #999405
    Mad Dog

    I found the Knowledgebase article about changing the titles of the Submit and My Events page ( but it doesn’t mention the “Edit an Event” page. What’s the filter name for that page? I went for the obvious (tribe_ce_event_edit_page_title) but that doesn’t work.


    Gustavo Bordoni

    Hi Barry,

    Thanks for reaching out to us here on our support forum.

    Unfortunately, this problem currently is hard to fix because we don’t have a set of filters that work for the Edit page Title.

    Rest assured that I created an Issue on our bug tracker, keep an eye for the version 4.0 that should include new filters to allow you to do this change.

    My Best Regards,

    Mad Dog

    Thanks….kind of strange that they forgot this page. (:})

    Gustavo Bordoni

    Hi Barry,
    Unfortunately, we missed that feature when the plugin was created, but thanks for reporting it =)

    We will get around to fix it ASAP.

    My best Regards,


    Hi there,

    I wanted to report back to you on the status of this issue. Your report is tracked in our internal system and a fix is on our to-do list, but we were not able to fit it into our upcoming 3.12 release. Please know that the issue is still very much on our radar and we will be working on it for a future release. We appreciate your patience while we work to improve our plugins. Thank you for using The Events Calendar!

    and The Events Calendar team

    Mad Dog

    Thanks for keeping up with this. I got an email that the new release is pending. Do you have an ETA? There’s one thing in particular (CSV import handling custom fields) that is important…wondering how long I’ll need to wait.

    One other question: I’ve done a good bit of customizing. The one file in particular that I see will have a lot of change is Community Events edit-event.php. Being new to customizing EC, will there be some guidelines to help me know what I’ll need to do to adapt the new page? Can I just add a new module from the new page to mine? Or will I have to add my changes (lord knows I’ll need to remember them!) to the new file?



    Hey @Barry,

    The full 3.12 release should arrive early next week, our plan is right after Labor Day. This is subject to change, but that’s the official plan 🙂

    As for your customizations, as long as you’ve made them in the /tribe-events folder of your theme as instructed in our Themer’s Guide, you should be able to update totally fine without issue. Here’s that Themer’s Guide for reference →

    There shouldn’t be code or template issues with this release – if you’re concerned about this, however, your best bet is to leave WP_DEBUG set to “true” on your site, then update, and then if there are PHP errors they will display on your site. Then you can go to the specific file and line number reported in the errors and fix the problems if there are any.

    Again, however, that is unlikely. It depends on what your customizations are, of course, and on how exactly you’ve written your own code, but from the perspective of in-plugin changes alone it is a very low chance that this update will introduce a breaking change for you.

    I hope that helps! I’ll close up this thread for now but if any other problems or questions arise open a new thread any time! 🙂


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