Change TEC Structured Data

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    Hi. We want to change which information TEC outputs as Structured Data and were wondering how that information is added to the respective calendar views and pages (single event pages, venue, organizer).

    How can we change what data/information is marked up on our calendar pages? For example, we only want the event’s start date/time displayed in search results, and do not want the end date/time shown. Would we need to make template overrides, or are there other files that control which information is output as structured data? Thank you.


    Hi Karly,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    I believe it is generated by WordPress, and not our plugins. I will need some time to check and confirm that, including whether it can be influenced somehow. Thanks for your patience!



    Thanks Andras. While you are checking on how this is generated, I thought of another structured data question.

    Is structured data currently added to the main views and/or list view? Curious, as I saw in the following thread that it did not exist in 2016. If that markup still isn’t added to List View out of the box, is Nico’s snippet that adds structured data to List view still valid? Here’s the link to the snippet:


    Hi Karly,

    I’m sorry for making you wait so long. Early Feb the team was on a retreat for a week and when we got back we were a bit overwhelmed. Thank you for your kind patience and understanding.

    I got confirmation that we do generate structured data (JSON LD) format – by default it is always added to month view and it can be overridden and adjusted via filter hooks including ‘tribe_json_ld_event_data’ and ‘tribe_json_ld_markup’.

    If you would like to add it to the list view as well, then follow the instructions in this post.

    I hope this answer your questions, and let me know if you have any more. I promise the next reply will come much much faster. 🙂



    Good morning Andras,

    No worries on the delay. I know you guys were on the annual retreat and understand that tickets re: bugs, etc would have been more urgent (rightfully so) than questions like this.

    With that said, thank you very much for providing the snippet that we can add to get structured data on our list view!



    Happy I could be of help, Karly, and thanks again for your patience and understanding! Much appreciated!

    Since this is marked resolved I am going to close this ticket, but if you need anything else related to this topic or another please create a new ticket and we’ll be happy to help.


    PS: If you like our plugins, and you didn’t yet do so 🙂 we would be happy to receive a review in the repository. Thanks!

    PS2: We’d be also grateful if you would give us feedback on your satisfaction with support. Just click on one of the classy looking emojis below. 🙂 If you can spare a few words, that’s even better. Doublethanks!


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