Change 'events' to 'shows' globally

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    Is there a simple way to change ‘events’ to ‘shows’ globally? ie: so ‘Past Events’, ‘Upcoming Events’ etc display as ‘Past Shows’, ‘Upcoming Shows’, etc.


    Hi, momondays. Great question! 🙂

    We actually have a tutorial detailing just that: Altering or Removing Headings on Calendar Views. Please give it a whirl and let us know how it goes!


    Thanks! I looked, but couldn’t find anything – solved my issue perfectly.

    Going to add, in case there are others who want to do the same thing

    The code I used is as follows, so it would handle list views as well as past events queries (hope the code shows up):

    function change_the_events_title($title) {
    //We’ll change the title on past views
    if (tribe_is_past()) return ‘Past Shows’;
    if (tribe_is_upcoming() or tribe_is_map() or tribe_is_photo() or tribe_is_list()) return ‘Upcoming Shows’;
    //In all other circumstances, leave the original title in place
    return $title;


    Thanks so much, momondays. We really appreciate the follow-up! 🙂


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