Change Default Map Location

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  • #82878

    Hey there!

    I’m wondering why the default location on the map view is somewhere near Cameroon. Can I change that? For now, I’d like it to be in Montreal by default.

    A great feature would be to use a buddypress field (“Location”, for example) in order to know the default user location. The map would then show the user’s city/town by default for the map view.

    All best,


    Hi Bastien,

    The plugin tries to calculate the approximate centre region based on your venue locations – but it may fail under some circumstances. Note also that it stores the result of its calculation for a period of slightly less than 2 hours (by default at least) as it’s a fairly expensive calculation to perform repeatedly, so it can at times lag behind your actual venue data. Similarly, if you are using a caching plugin its possible that what is being served has effectively been frozen in time.

    What you are describing though, a location near Cameroon, sounds suspiciously close to a longitude/latitude of 0° 0° (the ‘centre’ of the world) and makes me wonder if your venue’s geolocation data is correct.

    I can’t actually view your site right now as it seems to be behind a ‘coming soon’ or maintenance page – but I wonder if you could share an export of your venue data (via WordPress’s regular export tool), perhaps as a private reply? Then I could look and see if there is a problem with the actual data.

    Along the same lines, if you see a nag message within the admin environment or on the Events → Settings screen offering to fix geolocation data, do try following through with that.


    I have exact the same problem.. month view looks fine but when I click map, it shows Cameroon. but I set venues in LA and Austin TX. I enter the location information correctly, also under map, it can’t find my upcoming events. please provide a solution for this
    thank you


    This reply is private.


    Hi hpolat,

    Apologies for not noticing your posts: we just migrated to a new support tool and unfortunately a few threads fell through the gaps during the transition process. Generally speaking though, even if it seems on the surface like a similar problem, its best to create a new thread of your own.

    With that in mind and because this is a comparatively old thread without any further responses from the original poster I will go ahead and close it – please don’t hesitate to create new threads for any other support issues as required.


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