Change color of time

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    I used the following instructions to add a time to my calendar view and it worked great!

    I was now wondering if there was a way to change the color of the time that is now displayed.



    Hey @cesua,

    You should be able to customize the coloring if you change the markup a little bit. So, for example, instead of something like this:

    echo tribe_get_start_time( $post->ID ) . ' ';

    You could try something like this:

    printf( '<span class="cesua-custom-start-date">%s</span>', tribe_get_start_time( $post->ID ) );

    Then, you can add some custom CSS like the following to the bottom of your theme’s style.css file:

    span.cesua-custom-start-date {
        color: red !important;

    We don’t officially offer support for customizations like this, so definitely take some time to play around with things – and keep backups of any changes you make that you like 🙂


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