Category list for events

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  • #675233
    Ryan Stanley

    I need a category list somewhere on this page:

    I can’t figure out how to get the sidebar to work with xtheme. Ultimately I would love to have it in a sidebar somehow. Can someone please help? I’m stumped and I’ve looked everywhere I could think of.



    So is the problem basically that you need a sidebar within events pages? If so there are potentially two ways you might go about this.

    One is to change the template you are using (via the Events → Settings → Display admin screen)  to one which contains a sidebar in the correct place.

    The second is to customize and override the Default Events Template (or create a new template from scratch) and add the sidebar in the desired location.

    A great starting point if you choose the second approach is our Themer’s Guide which covers how to safely override and customize our templates.

    I hope that helps 🙂

    Ryan Stanley

    I ended up using the plugin The Events Calendar Category Colors to put them at the top. Worked great. Thank you very much for the great support. You guys rock!


    Awesome 🙂

    In that case I’ll go ahead and close this thread, but if we can help with anything else please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed and one of the team will be only too happy to assist.

    Also, if you have a moment to spare we’d love to hear your thoughts on The Events Calendar over on our plugin review page – thanks again!

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