Can’t Customizing Template Files After 3.0 Upgrade

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    I am trying to update the theme files after the upgrade to 3.0. However, I am coming across several issues as I reference

    1) Putting a folder in my theme files labeled “tribe-events” doesn’t change anything (I even tried the old method of using “events” and got nothing).
    2) The original plugin folders never changed to “events” and “events-premium”. They are still “the-events-calendar” and “events-calendar-pro” respectively.

    I’m wondering if problem #1 is not working because of #2? And if that is the case will simply changing the names of the folders fix the issue or is a whole reinstall needed (in which case, how do I make sure I don’t lose any of the data already in the system)?

    Or, is there a whole other problem/solution to this bug?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance!


    Never mind, turns out the old template files were never deleted so I was pulling old template files from the views folder (In case anyone else encounters this problem)


    Hi Kindra, thanks for letting us know you got things working 🙂

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