Can you suggest the best theme to use for The Events Calendar PRO?

Home Forums Welcome! Pre-Sales Questions Can you suggest the best theme to use for The Events Calendar PRO?

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    I’ve tried a clean installation using the popular Avada theme, but I’m unfortunately getting some issues (which I do not get with the default WP themes). So I was wondering if you have any suggestion for a good responsive and fast theme that works well with the The Events Calendar PRO.
    Thank you


    Howdy epikalmedia,

    Here is a simple and thus very fast responsive theme that we have found to be quite compatible:

    Also, theme forest has a nice list of themes whose authors have said are compatible with our plugin. While we can not guarantee compatibility, the authors evidently do. So if for some reason an issue did arise the author is saying they will fix it:

    Just a note, as reliable rule of thumb if a theme is compatible with Core it is likely also compatible with PRO. I do not recall ever seeing one that was solely compatible with Core.

    Will one of those work do you think? Please let us know. It is always good to know what themes users are choosing. Avada is a popular one for sure, and we have reached out to the theme author to see if we can both work towards compatibility. Thanks for posting!

    – Brook


    Thank you for your answer Brook.
    Actually today I’ve bought and installed the X – The Ultimate WordPress Theme
    and I have to say that so far it’s integrating pretty nicely.

    With Avada, I was having the following issues:
    – Clicking on the tags would not bring up any EVENTS results
    – Map in the event page was not visible (instead I get a solid grey area)
    – Photo view would keep showing 2 events in a row, despite being enough space for 3 (or even 4).
    I’m working a fresh WP installation with the latest version of everything (including Avada).

    I have none of the above issues using the X theme.
    Hope my feedback will help to solve these compatibility issues.



    Hello again epikalmedia,

    Thank you for sharing the info about Avada. That definitely will help us.

    I am glad you found a working theme. In my experience nearly all themes work find with our plugin, it is something we work hard to make compatible. But, I rarely tell people that when they are choosing a theme because inevitably they hit a stroke of bad luck and get two in a row that are not.

    – Brook

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