Calendar WordPress Intergation

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  • #17595

    Hello Guys,
    I’m looking for some help to integrate the pro plugin into our wordpress. We followed few documentation and faqs but no dice.
    Any help is greatly appreciated. Sorry, the site is on the intranet so i don’t really have a web address to post.



    If you could give some examples of where you need help, there are lots of people here who would give you some tips.


    I just want to integration the plugin into themes css so when viewing the event list or calendar the page do not blow out of proportion.

    For example, when surf to events listing, i see wide page with misaligned page template and at bottom of the site i all the published pages (sitemap). I was looking for some help on css and page template.


    Hey Alpesh. Thanks for the note. It’ll be tough to troubleshoot a site on an intranet here, but it sounds like the issue you described above is largely a CSS one. I would suggest either sharing a screenshot/link to a page showing the code you’re using; or, email us pro /a/ and we can try to put you in touch with a freelancer dev who may be able to help you out here.


    Thanks for your suggestion. I tried pasting the css on pastie but it looks like they don’t allow pastes over 64kb. I have sent you the css via email.


    Hi Alpesh. I talked this over with our dev Jonah, after he reviewed the file you sent over via email. Unfortunately he can’t get much of a picture regarding the issue based off this CSS file. Without being able to see the site itself it’s going to be tough to provide any feedback here.

    Any chance you’ve got a non-intranet environment where you can deploy this site, even just for a few days, so we can help to try and diagnose? Otherwise we may be at an impasse since it doesn’t sound like we can share much on the current setup. Let me know what you’re thinking and we’ll do what we can to help.


    Thank a lot for all your help so far.
    I have installed a our theme on a demo wp. I’m emailing you all the details.


    Thanks Alpesh. Per the email I sent a little while back, I’ve got Jonah on this today.


    Thanks Rob.
    I;ll await for Jonah reply and proceed from there.
    You guys rock!


    Hey Alpesh, sorry about the delay on this. One thing you could try right off the bat is to switch the Events Template in Settings > The Events Calendar > Template to see if this makes any difference. I’m guessing you have it set at the Default Events Template now so try changing it to the Default Page Template. Beyond that it’s mostly going to be a matter of modifying the CSS which I can provide some general guidelines on but will mainly be up to you to work out.

    Let me know if switching up the template does anything and we’ll go from there.


    Hi Jonah, thanks for taking your time to look into this matter.
    Yes, i have tried alternating to page template but i loose the upcoming events list. I like the page layout the events template lays out. I reckon we have to mod the css; please provide the guidelines and/or freelance who can assist us. Thanks again.


    Hi Alpesh, one quick change that will make a big difference is to set the width and center the page with something like this:

    .events-single #container,
    .events-list #container,
    .events-gridview #container {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 960px;

    You will want to put that in your themes style.css file.

    Beyond that you’re going to need to get a developer to help you. I don’t know of any freelancers who can help you but maybe Rob does. I’ll ask him to chime in here.


    Awesome. Yes, it actually centered the post.
    But, i definitely need some dev work done.

    @Rob… can you help in locating a freelancer.


    Sure thing, Alpesh. Shoot me an email with your timetable and I’ll refer someone from our network. Pro /a/ is the email. Cheers!


    Thanks Rob.
    I sent you an email requesting the info.

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