Calendar Widget – event listings are in past when the Month arrows are pressed

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Calendar Widget – event listings are in past when the Month arrows are pressed

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  • #197044
    Shayna Latham

    After the update my Calendar widgets event display when you click the next or previous month show “old events”.


    I flagged this bug three days ago. No reply yet.
    I have pointed out this issue in this thread.

    Here is a screen capture.


    Howdy mhsieh,

    This is a bug we are working towards fixing. Thank you for documenting it for us!

    ragots, thank you for your help here! I have seen lots of helpful posts from you over the weekend and they are much appreciated. Just a note regarding our responses. We are only able to respond during regular business hours, which for our team is Monday-Friday starting at about 8am on the East Coast and ending at 5PM on the West Coast of the States. As noted on our forum home page:

    Set your expectations. Please understand that we get a lot of traffic on the support forums, and that we respond to each thread in as timely a fashion as possible. That being said we generally require 24-48 hours (during the workweek) to hit new threads. The forums are not monitored on weekends. Please be patient when posting and know we’ll get to your issue as quickly as we possibly can.

    I hope that all makes sense. Please let me know i you have any questions or feedback for us. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Just a quick update, a developer is currently working on a fix for this. We plan to include that in an update ASAP! 🙂

    – Brook


    We pushed an update for this a while ago. I left the topic open just in case y’all had any additional feedback. But, since this topic has not been active for a while I am going to archive it. If you do need anything else though, please feel free to open a new topic. Cheers!

    – Brook

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