Calendar Views

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  • #1044417
    Annie Tandy

    I think it’s easiest to see the events in the List view, however is there an option to have an expandable list? Right now I’m displaying 8 events at a time and it is very cumbersome to have to scroll through and keep clicking Next to see the whole day of events. I’m looking for an option to see the event titles, times and locations (basic information) in a list view with the opportunity to expand the listing for more details. Does that exist in some capacity somewhere?


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Annie Tandy.

    Howdy Annie,

    I would love to help you with this.

    There is an option to change the amount of views you see per pafe. Head over to WP-Admin > Events > Settings and change the “Number of events to show per page” to something higher. That might help address your issue of too many pages.

    There is not an “option” thought to show only event titles and more events. But, this is still totally doable if you are down for making a customization. You can either modify the list view or create a new custom view like our example Agenda View. This will require a decent measure of WP Theming experience thought.

    Does that all make sense? Will that work for you? Please let me know.


    – Brook


    Annie Tandy

    Hi Brook,

    Thanks for helping me. 🙂 I saw how I can change the number of events shown. I think it was originally four and I changed it to eight. I suppose I could up the number again, I just think it looks a bit cluttered and overwhelming to look through.

    (I think a collapsible list view would look slick and function so well with this calendar… just as a side note for future possibilities.)

    I would love to make my own view. Does that mean I need to get into the files again though? It looks like I do. I used to be able to do this stuff before I transferred to AWS. So discouraging.



    Oh right, you are having AWS difficulties. Anything to do with modifying an existing view or adding a new one will require file access.

    I did think of alternative though that would work given your limited access. You could use WP excerpt functionality to hide the description, assuming your theme supports it. If you edit an event and scroll down to the Excerpt box, just input a space into that box. Whatever you type into that box will show on the list view instead of the full article text, so in this case a space is basically nothing and nothing will show.

    Hopefully one of those options would work. 🙂

    • Brook
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    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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