Calendar title not updating when using pagination

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  • #972757

    Hi there! I have Events Calendar PRO installed here:

    Note that I’ve already hidden the second calendar title on the page since the Avada theme duplicates the title. Yes, this issue happened before I hid the second title.

    Go to the page, scroll down, and click “July.” The calendar advances, but the title remains stuck on June. Now, if you switch views, the title reflects the change. But not when the under-calendar pagination links are used.

    Please help!


    Hi Jon,

    I think the problem here is that the title you have hidden by targeting h2.tribe-events-page-title is the one which will be updated by The Events Calendar when you page forwards/backwards.

    The other title – the one that is currently visible and does not update – is not generated by our plugin and we have no control over it.

    How about swapping things around by hiding the currently exposed title and showing the currently hidden one?

    Though right now the displayed title doesn’t update when you navigate via our pagination links, it does seem to do so if you reload the page (ie, page to August and refresh: it updates to the expected date). Is this a customization that you have built, or does it just work this way with Avada “out of the box”?

    If the latter is true, and it is Avada code, perhaps it would be worth running this scenario by them?


    Huh. Well, OK, I do not mind swapping that around, but yeah, this is how it works out-of-the-box in Avada.

    I wonder: Do you know how I can hide the title that’s showing with “display:none” and replace it with some sort of standing head such as “Calendar”?


    Again, I’d check in with Avada here: I suspect they may have a specific hook you can use which would be the safest and cleanest way to change this.

    If they do not, modifying the template responsible for generating that text (essentially, a template override performed in a child theme) may be the way to go.

    Not being familiar with Avada or its structure, I don’t want to offer up wild guesses here – talking to their team/reading their customization docs is the way to go for this one 🙂


    Got it! All I did was add the following to my CSS:

    .tribe-events-page-template div.fusion-page-title-bar {
      display: none;

    Tah dah! Let me know, though, if this doesn’t make sense to you.


    That’s great – I see no problem with that (I actually thought you were trying to achieve something else – but if this works for you that’s fantastic) 🙂

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