Calendar Shortcodes

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  • #959846
    Charmaine Taylor

    How can my developer embed events associated with a particular category to a page? Right now all events are appearing on the page ( However, we want to just include a list of events for a particular category (each category has its own page). It would also be nice if the list included the name of the event, date and time of the event. Other calendars have shortcodes that can do this but we can’t find one for Events Calendar Pro. We’re hoping to go live today and this is the last problem to solve.





    I can help out here. We do not have any shortcodes, but the Mini Calendar one right now.

    We do already create category views (month,list, etc) for all the categories.

    So if you have a category called lettuce this would be the link to view the events just in that category:

    If you go to your site’s admin and then to Events > Event Categories if you hover over the category titles and click view it will take you to the pages.

    Shortcode Option
    There is the Event Rocket Plugin an unofficial plugin maintained by some of our developers that has shortcodes in it:

    Event Rocket

    That might help you out as well.

    Let me know if you have any follow up questions.


    Isaiah Mangum

    Hi, When do you estimate a “true short code” feature to be implemented in to Events Calendar Pro? There was big talk late last year about an awesome new release (version 4.0?) in the spring of 2015…. it’s coming up on summer and I still haven’t switched my official website calendar from Trumba to TEVCP – (I really really want to though 🙂


    Hi Isaiah, unfortunately, I do not have a timeline or estimate on when that might be released. It is something we are working on still.


    Since there is has not been any activity on this thread for over 2 weeks so I am now closing it. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂

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