Calendar Shortcodes

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  • #1221691
    Annie Tandy


    I heard there might be some new shortcode options and wanted to know if there have been changes that would benefit this situation:

    Every week I publish a Weekend Events list. It has a “Friday” heading with all the events on the calendar for Friday and so on for Saturday and Sunday. I read this article: and tried this shortcode: [tribe_this_week layout=”vertical”], but it’s not what I’m looking for. I would like to pull one day at a time or at least specify the date range. Is that possible?

    For the past year, I’ve been going through all of the events and tagging them either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and then referencing that tag in a shortcode for each day. There are problems with that: 1. Each Weekend Events list I publish references the current weekend’s events, so the posts are date specific but the events don’t ultimately match up to the dates. 2. It takes more time than it should. 3. I can’t really work ahead, which kills my productivity. (I can’t recycle the Weekend Events list because sometimes there are sponsors of individual weekend events posts and also Facebook doesn’t like the same link being posted every week, so that hurts my reach.)

    Anyway, I’m really hoping there is a better solution to this. Let me know your thoughts. Hopefully something new has been developed for this situation!



    Thanks for reaching out Annie!

    The core of what you’re looking for seems to be summed up by your question here:

    I would like to pull one day at a time or at least specify the date range. Is that possible?

    ↑ This is unfortunately not possible at this time. 🙁

    You describe circumventing current limitations by doing the following:

    For the past year, I’ve been going through all of the events and tagging them either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and then referencing that tag in a shortcode for each day.

    ↑ I totally understand the problems with this that you mentioned, but even so, this is still the best way to achieve what you’re trying to do.

    A Possible Bit of Progress

    With the [tribe_events] shortcode that was new in version 4.3 of The Events Calendar and Events Calendar Pro, you can embed instances of the day view and specify a date.

    Learn more about doing that here:

    To render a Day View instance for events on Saturday, January 21 2017, for example, you could use this shortcode:
    [tribe_events view="day" date="2017-01-21"]

    (Note the specific date format! Learn more about in the article linked above)

    There is a problem with this, though: you can only have one instance of the [tribe_events] shortcode on any given page. 🙁 So while this would work to show events for one day—Saturday, for example—you could not use this to show events for both Saturday and Sunday, or Friday and Saturday, and so on.

    So while it’s a partial solution, I just wanted to mention this to cover all of the options.

    Sorry to disappoint here—please let me know if there are any other issues or questions I can try to help with!

    — George

    Annie Tandy

    That’s a huge disappointment, but thanks for your quick reply!


    Sure thing, Annie. I’m sorry to disappoint.

    I will close up this thread for now—but please feel free to open a new thread any time if other issues or questions arise.


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