Calendar for All Children Categories – NOT resolved

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    I am responding to your question in this thread:

    Since the thread was marked as “resolved” I cannot re-open it, but this item is still NOT fixed. I have an event that only has a sub-category checked, and when i go to the calendar for its parent category, it does NOT show up.

    Plugin Version: Version 3.3.1
    PRO Plugin Version: Version 3.3


    I have to agree with this. Children categories and their events should be shown in the calendar view when you select a category.

    This really takes away from the robustness of the plugin, especially the PRO version. You shouldn’t have to check the child category AND the parent category.

    A default WP_Query will produce this effect unless specified, why should Tribe Events taxonomy be any different?

    Surely, there has to be a way to modify the query & arguments passed when the calendar is called. Maybe this will be a modification to the main plugin and get overridden when it updates, but it SHOULD be in the updates.


    And if I use the Calendar Widget… this DOES call children category events of the parent category? The main calendar does not but the widget calendar does? There is no logic behind that.

    I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that after the 3rd edition of this plugin there is no way to call the calendar and pass arguments through a PHP function. It’s bad enough you have to write a custom WP_Query just to retrieve the data.


    Hi @materdeiknights,

    I’m really sorry for the continued inconvenience this has caused you, it’s something that we unfortunately have not been able to prioritize thus far but we’re certainly interested in changing that based on your feedback.

    Since the thread was marked as “resolved” I cannot re-open it, but this item is still NOT fixed.

    Again we’re sorry for any confusion here – but we tend not to let threads sit open for long periods of time simply because experience suggests they are ultimately susceptible to being hijacked and derailed by other users – who with the best intention can interject but unwittingly confuse matters – making it harder for other users who might be searching for this topic but are presented with a confusing and mixed topic thread.

    That to say, the fact that it is closed to replies does not mean the basic issue you reported is itself resolved – and I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear. Similarly, the reply marked as an answer in that thread was simply the most accurate answer at that point in time – in this case, that we’ve logged it for further work, which remains true.

    : you’re right it’s not consistent and I can really only reiterate that this is something we have on our issue tracker.

    It hasn’t been the very highest priority simply because issues more pivotal to the operation of the calendar have had to be resolved first. Please don’t take that to mean that this isn’t something we have no interest in fixing – far from it – but we don’t have unbounded resources and need to carefully schedule and order enhancements and bug fixes in the best interest of the wider community.

    I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that after the 3rd edition of this plugin there is no way to call the calendar and pass arguments through a PHP function. It’s bad enough you have to write a custom WP_Query just to retrieve the data.

    I’m not really sure what you mean here or why writing a custom WP_Query would be ‘bad’ by comparison with passing arguments through a function (though we do have tribe_get_events() available for your use), but in any case suspect it’s getting somewhat off-topic from what @materdeiknights was posting about.

    We’d love to hear your thoughts on how we could better facilitate custom development, though, so if you want to propose new API functions or anything of that order please do post your thoughts on our UserVoice page and we’ll definitely look into it.

    I hope that gives a little insight into our processes here and please also note we have now upped the priority for this issue (sub-categories not being included in category requests, that is).



    Following up here, something like this snippet – which could be added to your theme’s functions.php file – might help out until a substantive fix arrives (you might need to tweak a little especially if you have other category-centric customizations in place).


    @Barry, thank you for your timely response. The snippet you provided from Github, however, does that only apply to when you query with tribe_get_events()?

    I thought this was supposed to work for the regular calendar, normally found at, no?

    When I have children events and categories, and I include this code in my functions.php file, go to a specific category “events/category/cat-slug1/” it still does not include children category/events. For example, I should be seeing events under “events/category/cat-slug1/child-slug1/” when I go to “events/category/cat-slug1/” with this function, correct?

    Please advise, thank you.


    I have no “category-centric” customization in place. I was using the recommended “The Events Calendar Category Colors” plugin, but it yielded the same results, activated or deactivated.


    Even stranger, both tribe-event-query.class.php (which does not include children) and widget-list.class.php (which does include children) both have the tax_query argument of include_children set to false by default… so I’m not sure if this is the parameter that is affecting this, even if that function snippet overrides it. Perhaps I am just not understanding…

    It really sucks that I call the Events List Widget & the Events Mini Calendar Widget which both show events of children categories, and the “View All” button appended to the end takes me to a calendar that says “No Events Found” because it searches only the parent category and none of the children.

    What else in the tribe-event-query.class.php file could be controlling this outcome?


    @Barry Thank you for upping the priority. Is there a way (maybe a public bug tracker or anything? Something like what trello does: ) that I can check to see the status of this issue? (b/c, like you said, these threads get closed so this thread cannot be the place I come to to get an update).



    @materdeiknights: I’m afraid that right now there is not a public issue tracker – but we will certainly do our best to re-open the thread and post updates as and when there is something to report.


    The snippet you provided from Github, however, does that only apply to when you query with tribe_get_events()?

    I thought this was supposed to work for the regular calendar, normally found at, no?

    It will indeed work with tribe_get_events() – but it certainly isn’t limited to exclusively fixing the results of that function alone: for instance, it ought to take effect within list view. With that said, it will not have the desired effect within some other views such as month view because not every view is composed in the same way.

    Ultimately the snippet is intended to provide a little relief until a substantive fix arrives but isn’t a cure-all by any means. I appreciate this “sucks” but would emphasize that we have prioritized this issue and will aim to resolve it as quickly as we can.

    As there isn’t much else we can offer in the short term I will close this thread – again, we will aim to post updates here as and when there is something to report.

    Thanks so much for your patience and support 🙂


    Hi! We’ve now completed some work that ought to address this issue in our very next upcoming release. Thanks for your patience and if you do hit any further problems with this once you’ve updated please don’t hesitate to let us know in a new thread – thanks!

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