Calendar fixes and adaptations

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  • #125095

    Dear Modern Tribe
    I have som questions I cant find the answer on in the forums.

    (1.) Doesn’t calender pro support 24hour – format? I have it installed on my wordpress site, and the am/pm disappears correctly in the calender, BUT when I create a new event i am obligated to use the am/pm system. Therefore, when I set the event to 01.00 pm it will only show; 01:00 on the published site, not 13:00 as it should. How do I solve this?

    (2.) I have found a shortcode in how to rename the +googel calender/+iCal imort-links on the single event pages BUT what can I do to remove these links instead?

    (3.) Bug-problem in 3.5? The picture for my single event doesn’t shrink in the pop-up wiev when set to month (when I hold the mouse over a selected event), it has the full resolution of the picure and therefore goes outside the pop-up-box. This wasn’t the case in 3.4. How do I solve this?

    (4.) The “sub-headline” with the date and time automatically inserted is in single event view, listview, mapview not obeying my installation in how to show the order of date. My WP preset is for example 31 mars but it shows mars,31. Altough, the pop-up-window showd when I have month-view displays this correctly. How do I solve this matter?

    (5.) Is it possible to hide the category in single event view?



    (6.) When choosing reacurring event, is it possible to hide the generated text “this is a reacurring event – show all”-link?

    Best regards


    Howdy Jonas,

    I would love to help you out with those questions.

    1) Absolutely we do. If you have gone to WP Admin > Settings > General, and selected the 24 hours format (as pictured here), then you will see the time pickers change (as pictured here).

    2) The easiest way to hide something from the calendar is by adding some CSS to your (child) theme. This CSS should hide those buttons .tribe-events-ical, .tribe-events-gcal{display:none;}. Of couse, the absolute best way to hide something is to remove it directly from the page’s source. This can be accomplished by jumping into our themer’s guide.

    3) That sounds like a conflict between your theme and the latest version of events calendar. I am not seeing that in my local tests. Large “featured images” are properly downsized in the month view tooltip (popup).

    4) That is definitely something we are interested in doing. Please voice your support for that feature suggestion here. In the mean time, using our themer’s guide linked above you can swap the date format around in specific places.

    5) Most definitely. This guide helps you show/hide any of the event details in single event view, but it does require that you are familiar with WP Walkers. You might use this snippet as a template.

    6) This can also be done. You can hide it with CSS, JS, or by using a theme override like I linked above. Pick your favored option, and run with it.

    I hope that helps. Usually we try and just have one question per topic. In your case I made an exception, but keep in mind in the future that if you have multiple questions it is best to open up a topic for each one. This ensures timely responses.

    Did that all make sense? Please let me know if can further clarify any of the above. Thanks!

    – Brook

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