Bulk "On-sale" date set

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  • #1303245

    Hi there,

    Is quite fiddly if we need to change the on-sale date for an event with multiple tickets. Would it be possible to add a “bulk edit” feature in the backend – perhaps in each event, as well as an option in events list and/or products list?

    Thanks again,



    Hi Adam!

    Thanks for reaching out to us! 🙂

    Unfortunately, that’s not a built in functionality as you can already tell, but sure is an interesting request though.

    We manage all feature ideas in our User Voice here > https://tribe.uservoice.com/. So I encourage you to elaborate on this a bit more and post it there so other users can vote for it and make its way in a future feature release cycle.

    Is there any other way you might be thinking to accomplish that? Perhaps having a global start/end sales date for all tickets in an event, similar to the global stock setting? Could you give us a use case scenario for when this has to be accomplished? Any extra details to post in User Voice is always suggested.

    If you have questions or need help to elaborate this, just let me know and I’d be happy to help 🙂



    Thanks for your help Victor.
    There may actually be another way to do what I’ve been trying to do.
    We do our events like attached image.
    When the $10 tickets sell out, it goes up to $15 tickets.
    I have been loading multiple tickets (multiple products), however is there perhaps a way instead to set the discount for one product, and discount only a particular quantity (rather than currently discounting by date)?
    So we’d post up the one product, “General Release”, but then have a certain amount of tickets available with 50%, and then 25% discounts.


    Hi Adam!

    Thanks for coming back and explaining that.

    So I understand your goal is to be able to offer a sale price to the first x amount of tickets sold, after which you’d sell them at the regular price. Is that so?

    Discounts and sales prices are all better managed by WooCommerce, so I’m thinking you can accomplish something similar by setting a sale price in the WooCommerce product. It wouldn’t exactly be what you are looking for because you can only limit the sale price by date and not by stock quantity, but sure is an option to consider.

    Another option worth checking out is creating a coupon discount for an x amount of sales and assign it to the ticket product. Of course, users would have to manually apply the coupon, but it would limit the discount to a pre-defined quantity.

    I’ve also found this WooCommerce extension that might also be of your interest > https://woocommerce.com/products/dynamic-pricing/. Bear in mind, we have not tried it ourselves so be sure to test it out first.

    If any of the above does not fit your needs, then a customization on the WooCommerce side could be the best option.

    I think the workaround you implemented is pretty good though. I know the drawback is having to manually change the sales dates for each ticket, but it serves the purpose just right.

    I hope that helps and feel free ask any other questions.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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