Blank screen on mobile

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    We just updated our website with a newly designed theme. After going live this morning someone pointed out that the calendar doesn’t work on their Android phone. The emulators have it working fine. And I haven’t testing on any other phones. But this is clearly NOT acceptable. I hope there’s a simple fix. Located at Everything is up to date. Thanks.


    Hi Sheila,

    I’m sorry first of all to hear that someone was unable to view the calendar on their phone.

    Like you I find that everything works as expected when testing with emulators for a number of different Android devices – but I also find it works nicely on a real Android device.

    Of course, that’s not a guarantee that it will work on all Androids but it’s certainly encouraging. Is there any more information you can share to help us, here?

    • Can you provide more information on what’s missing – is it all of the event content, is it just the events that should appear below the calendar grid, etc?
    • What Android device specifically are you/is this person using when they see the problem?
    • What version of Android are they using – are they using the default browser or something else to view the site?
    • Are you or have you been able to test to see if the problem is related to your theme, by switching temporarily to a different default theme?

    I realize if you don’t yourself have the ability to replicate this that could be tricky information to collect – but I wanted to list some of the additional information we’d need to take this report forward, given we can’t see it (even with a real device).


    Thanks. The fellow who posted the feedback said: “I can’t see it at all on my tablet, I have a white page with firefox for android”. I tried it on my MotoG Android running Chrome and yesterday it was all white but now it works. Then I tried it on my Samsung Galaxy 7Plus running Android & Chrome and it also works. I will post your questions on that forum and see if I can get any answers. It could just be an anomoly. But it’s a Divi user Facebook group and most there have up to do stuff. Thanks.


    Sounds good, keep us posted 🙂


    OK, I’ve heard back…he says…

    I have a Samsung galaxy note 10″, android 5.0.2, the calendar page is all white, using firefox, chrome even the default browser. I don’t see anything: grid, header, menu…. I’m going to switch on my laptop and I’ll write you again… last thing… I’m in Italy…I have the same problem on my lap top. I can see perfectly all site pages but the calendar.

    SO…could this be local to his ISP or being in Italy? I need to try to get more people testing to see if there’s really an issue outside this one person. Any ideas?


    OK…new input. Several INCLUDING ME…now seeing the issue. When not logged in on a desktop I see complete white page in both Chrome & FF on PC. Others reporting the same. Is there a setting about being logged in? It’s the only thing I can think of.


    Also IE and all the rest of the site comes up perfectly!


    OK…this is REALLY bizarre. Everyone who reported not seeing it (including me) can now see it and I’ve done NOTHING to fix it. Why on earth would the rest of the site be OK and the calendar page be blank then be OK later? Any idea what could be causing this?


    Hi Shiela,

    So here’s my guess: the white screen is actually the result of a fatal error, such as an out-of-memory or timeout problem, and is not connected in any way with the type of device people are viewing the site on.

    If this happens on month view, it may closely be tied to a recently surfaced bug which we in the process of developing a fix for.

    What I’d recommend in the interim is visiting Events → Settings → Display and enable month view caching on that page: this should help to prevent this issue or at least drastically reduce the number of times it occurs.

    If you are finding the problem occurs on other event-related pages besides month view, though, the problem may be something else so please do let me know if that might be the case.


    Thanks so much Barry. I’ve done that and only time will tell if it continues to be an issue. So far I haven’t seen/heard of it elsewhere. I’ll mark this as resolved and get back to you if there are further issues. Thanks.


    Thanks Shiela – do also try using our 3.10.1 release which includes the month view fix 🙂


    Thanks. Interestingly that update was pushed to me yesterday but it said I already had it. So it upgraded from 3.10.1 to 3.10.1. I did the update. Hopefully that’ll be the end of it.


    That’s odd; we’ll keep an eye out for further reports by other users.

    Thanks again, Shiela 🙂

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