Auto generate event title

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  • #1458880
    compton bob

    I found a thread titled “Add category prefix to event titles” ( ) and am wondering if it is possible to automatically create the event title by combining the organizer and venue. For example, after entering Venue “bob’s venue” and organizer “jam session” the title would automatically generate as “jam session @ bob’s venue”.

    Is this possible?


    Hi Robert,

    Thanks so much for reaching out!

    Just to let you know, we are limited by our Support Policy in how much we can help with customizations, but I will try to point you in the right direction.

    You can try altering that snippet and use tribe_get_venue and tribe_get_organizer to achieve the results that you are looking for.

    Let me know how that goes!




    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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