Attendee list shows wrong order number (the WordPress # instead of custom #)

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Attendee list shows wrong order number (the WordPress # instead of custom #)

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  • #1177757

    Hi guys,

    I am using Event Tickets Plus and was wondering about the new features the Attendee List was offering… There is one bug though. Don’t know if it was there before, but at least it should be something that needs to be looked at.

    The Attendee List shows the order numbers assigned by WordPress, instead of the custom order numbers I assign using the official add-on “WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro”.

    For instance, it now shows “#21049” as order number, however it should be “16-WEB-0167”.


    Hi Hans.

    Thanks for your helpful screenshots (although I only speak English).

    The Attendees screen did change in the 4.3 update. Here’s a comparison from my local testing site (which has RSVP, WooCommerce, and EDD ticket types):

    I believe these screenshots demonstrate display the same information, just in different ways. I believe the issue is that WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro appears to not be compatible with Event Tickets Plus orders (although I cannot personally confirm this).

    We have this help article on the topic:

    Please let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this topic.



    Thanks, it’s always hard to remember the old stuff when checking for any plugin issues after the upgrade.
    I understand that compatibility with WC extensions is hard to accomplish, as far as I’m concerned, it’s something I can live with 🙂



    Thanks for your understanding and feedback, Hans.

    Have a great rest of your week.

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