Attendee Information Not Saving

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  • #1405968

    Hello, we have run into this issue a few times in the past and we thought we had it resolved until the latest update plugin updates for Events Calendar Pro and Events Tickets Plus.

    About 1/2 of our current event registrations are not saving the attendee information even though the user is filling out all of the required fields.

    Here is a link to one of our registration pages:

    Do you have any idea why that information would not be saving? We’ve had it occur on single and multiple attendee registrations.




    Hi Jake,

    Thanks for reaching out! I’m sorry you’re running into this issue with the attendee fields, but I’ll be happy to help you figure out what’s going on.

    I took a look at the event you sent, and the form appears to be working correctly on my end. Are you able to check with any of the users to determine which browsers they were using?

    Can you try setting up a testing environment to see if you can recreate the issue? Please make sure that you have WP Debug enabled before you begin testing. To make sure that your theme or another plugin is not interfering, please use a default theme (like Twenty Seventeen) and keep all other plugins disabled.

    Finally, can you also try updating WooCommerce to the current version (3.2.6)?

    Let me know what you find!




    Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I have updated our WooCommerce plugin to the latest version. Is there an easy way to see if the registration details have worked correctly without creating an actual order? If there is, that would really help me to test within different browsers and environments.



    Hi Travis,

    I definitely understand not wanting to create test orders in your live site. I think the easiest way (if you don’t have a testing site) would be to use the free WP Staging plugin, which creates a quick copy of your live site that you can use for testing. This way you can create a few test orders using your current site environment without adding junk data : )


    Hi Jennifer,

    We do have a staging site for testing, I just noticed that you didn’t actually place an order on our site so I thought there may have been a way to know if the registration details were saving without actually placing the order. If that was an option, it would save us a lot of time not having to fill out a full order each time.



    Hi Travis,

    When I looked at the form initially, I tested to verify that I was not able to submit the form without filling in all the required fields, but I ultimately did not submit the completed form since I didn’t want to add a test order to your live site.

    Since the form validation seems to be working, it sounds like something may be going wrong during the actual saving process. I know this can be a bit tedious to test, but the first step is to determine when (under what circumstances) the data isn’t being saved. Making sure WP_DEBUG is enabled is important as well so that any error messages that may be occurring will be displayed. If possible, it might help to check with a few of the users to see what browsers they were using or verify that they did in fact complete the data (they weren’t able to get around the form validation). If the validation isn’t kicking in, that could indicate a Javascript issue.

    I did check our current bug reports but didn’t see any other users reporting similar issues. I wish I had a quick fix for you here, but issues like these can be a bit difficult to test when things are only not working sometimes. If we can figure out exactly when the data is not saving, that will be very helpful in working on a solution!

    Let me know what you find!



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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