At the door ticket processing….

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    I asked a year ago if it would be possible to “sell” tickets at the door and have them reflect accurately in our wooticket attendee reports. At the time, Barry said:

    “Right now that isn’t quite possible as there is an outstanding issue we need to resolve where new orders are added manually but the connection with WooTickets isn’t made.

    However, our next release should make it possible to use WooCommerce’s add order functionality and have the new order reflect successfully on the WooTickets attendee list.”

    Is this now possible? We sell a small percentage (maybe 5%) of our tickets at the door, and right now we have to manually add those sales to all of our reports. If this is built in functionality for 3.x I would love a heads up and some information on it, as it is a pain to have to manually account for sales in this manner.



    Yes – that should now be possible – simply create an order manually and include ticket products and this should be reflected in the corresponding attendee list (or lists).

    Definitely let us know if you encounter difficulties, though.


    I added an order manually and it increased the number of tickets sold, but the order # / name etc. do not display on the Attendee list that is displayed or exported. Any suggestions?



    We’re only too happy to help – but can you post a new thread of your own? One of the team will then be only too happy to help.


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