API Endpoint for Orders Tickets or Attendees

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus API Endpoint for Orders Tickets or Attendees

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  • #1343919

    In the release notes for Events Tickets Plus 4.5 it’s mentioned that a json endpoint was added to get attendee information via WP Rest API.
    “* Feature – An API to get ticket, attendee, event, and order infomation from a post id for RSVP, EDD, and WooCommerce Tickets [74363]”

    What is the endpoint URL to get attendee information via the WP API?


    Hey Mindshare,

    Thanks for your question. Please hang in there while I get the answer for you from the developer who worked on this. I’ll be in touch soon.



    Hello again,

    This is the information I gathered.

    In ET+ 4.5 the API was added / extended to get ticket, attendee, event, and order information from a post id for RSVP, EDD, and WooCommerce Tickets.

    This is however not REST API, but rather a PHP API.

    The following functions were added to the plugin:

    tribe_tickets_get_event_ids( $id )
    tribe_tickets_get_ticket_provider( $id )
    tribe_tickets_get_attendees( $id, $context = null )
    tribe_tickets_get_meta( $id, $context = null )
    tribe_tickets_has_meta_data( $id, $context = null )
    tribe_tickets_has_meta_fields( $id, $context = null )

    You can use these in PHP code in a plugin, extension, add-on, snippets etc.

    I hope this clarifies. If you have more questions I’d be happy to help.



    Hey there

    Just posting a quick update that we’ve just launched The Events Calendar – Full REST Support. You can read the release notes at https://theeventscalendar.com/release-events-calendar-full-rest-support/.

    We also published a helpful guide: Introduction to The Events Calendar REST API https://theeventscalendar.com/knowledgebase/introduction-events-calendar-rest-api/ .

    We’re excited to provide this functionality for you.

    Courtney 🙂


    What is the endpoint URL to get attendee information via the WP API?

    Still waiting for a direct answer…


    What is the endpoint URL to get attendee information via the WP API?

    Still waiting for a direct answer… the articles don’t talk about orders and attendees?


    Hi Chris,

    There is no endpoint URL to get attendee information. This was not implemented in the REST API of The Events Calendar / Event Tickets, it is not part of the plugin at the moment.

    The functions I shared with you before were added to the code. You can use those functions in your own code / plugin to get information.

    Extending the REST API further is on the roadmap, but at the moment I don’t have any dates when they will be implemented.

    I’m sorry if this is disappointing at the moment and I thank you for your understanding.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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