Allow categories and tags against venues and organizers

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    Why categories and tags are not available for venues and organizers… is it part of the pro version?


    Hi there @yasirmturk,

    Thanks for reaching out! I’ll help you here.

    Basically they are not available ‘by design’, I mean on purpose. In fact they are not a feature of PRO either.

    I’m mostly sure this can be modified (add the taxonomies to the post types), Are you interested in achieving this? I can investigate further and if possible craft a snippet to do so.

    Please let me know about it,


    Tx for the reply Nico, Yes, it is very much needed.. in fact it can add value when you are able to categorise places like is a hotel, marquee, wedding lawn, conference hall, etc and add some more parameters, fine tune the lat lon, set zoom for google maps, or actually map it to a google maps place… and same goes for the organisers..

    I also see there is very much need to adding organiser’s user roles, so then when user is signed up & assigned the role of organizer and is linked to a specific organizer or multiple organizers, he/she can edit and add events for those organizers profiles..

    I can also help in the development of features like this.. if u want & need me

    Menno Kuiper

    I recognise this usage as well.
    For me it would be handy if I could link

    Organisers to types of events
    Organisers to logo’s or pictures
    Venues to places

    Obviously I would like to be able to override these automated links/checked boxes.


    Hey folks,

    Thanks for following up! I’ve put together a little snippet that enables ‘tags’ support for venues, just to show you the possibilities and the way of doing so. Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

    * The Events Calendar - Add 'tags' support to venues
    function tribe_modify_venue() {

    $tribe_venue_args = get_post_type_object('tribe_venue');
    $tribe_venue_args->taxonomies = array('post_tag');

    register_post_type( 'tribe_venue', $tribe_venue_args );
    add_action( 'init', 'tribe_modify_venue', 100 );

    If you need to do the same for organizers, then change tribe_venue to tribe_organizer. If you want to support ‘Event Categories’ add tribe_events_cat to the taxonomies array.

    As we are in the pre-sales forum (we do not support users over this forum), I cannot give you any more support on this. If you hold a premium license please post on the appropriate premium forum!

    Hope you find the snippet useful to get you started 🙂



    PS: Regarding your idea of connecting Organizers with User Roles, that has been suggested via our Uservoice page recently. You are welcome to upvote it or to team up with someone willing to drive efforts in that direction. Unfortunately that is a bigger challenge, not easy to solve with a simple snippet.

    Menno Kuiper

    Perfect. Thank you so much for your help. I will buy the facebook importer immediately. And I guess I will get the Community events as well.


    Stocked to hear Menno 🙂

    , I’ll wait for your confirmation before closing out this thread.


    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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