After / Problem with the function tribe_get_listview_prev_link ()

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  • #1438884


    There is no plugin named Piwik on the site. Maybe it’s WP Statistics that I think uses Piwik.

    I disabled WP Statistics but it did not change anything.

    I do not understand why the request in code above does not work? Or a few seconds …

    Thanks, P.


    Hi there,

    It should work but there is definitely a conflict and Piwik came up in the console as an error. Can you check your themes function.php file and see if there is a call to jquery in that file. Also check your footer.php file in your theme and let me know what you find.



    Hello, actually there is a problem with this script. But when I take it off it does not solve our story.

    And when I click on the link “previous events” this is displayed in the console:

    TypeError: a (“# tribe-events-content .tribe-events-loop”). Tribe_spin is not a function. (In ‘a (“# tribe-events-content .tribe-events-loop”). ) ‘,’ a (“# tribe-events-content.tribe-events-loop”). tribe_spin ‘is undefined)

    An idea ?

    Thanks, P.


    function o() {
    var u = a("#tribe-events-header");
    if (n.ajax_running = !0, !n.popping) {
    n.filter_cats && (r.cur_url ="baseurl"));
    var o = a("#tribe-events-list-hash").val();
    n.params = {
    action: "tribe_list",
    tribe_paged: n.paged,
    tribe_event_display: n.view,
    featured: s.is_featured()
    }, n.url_params = {
    tribe_paged: n.paged,
    tribe_event_display: n.view
    var v = t.location.pathname;
    if ((v.match(/\/all\/$/) || r.cur_url.match(/tribe_post_parent=[0-9]+/)) && (n.url_params.tribe_event_display = "all", n.params.tribe_post_parent = parseInt(u.closest("#tribe-events-content").find("[data-parent-post-id]:first").data("parent-post-id"), 10)), "" === tribe_js_config.permalink_settings && (n.url_params.eventDisplay = "all" === n.url_params.tribe_event_display ? "all" : "list"), o.length && (n.params.hash = o), r.default_permalinks && !n.url_params.hasOwnProperty("post_type") && (n.url_params.post_type = _.events_post_type), n.category && (n.params.tribe_event_category = n.category), a(i).trigger("tribe_ev_serializeBar"), s.invalid_date_in_params(n.params))
    return void (n.ajax_running = !1);
    a("#tribe-events-content .tribe-events-loop").tribe_spin(), n.params = a.param(n.params), n.url_params = a.param(n.url_params), a(i).trigger("tribe_ev_collectParams"), n.pushstate = !1, n.do_string = !0


    Hi there,

    Ok, lets try this. Add this function in your functions.php file and insert the same jquery info you did before. That way we can remove it from the head. I think it was why it only lasted for a few seconds.

    add_action( 'wp_head', function() {
        if ( tribe_is_list_view() ) {
           // other stuff to get the default version of jQuery in place
    }, 1 );

    Now, this goes beyond our level of support for your theme so if this doesn’t work we hope you are able to find a new theme or solution to update your theme.

    Let me know how this goes.



    Hello, I tried. So when I put a version of jquery (*1) it still does not work.

    BUT, when I remove the link to the Jquery library (*2) it works, but it disables the tool to switch to month view or choose a date in the calendar

    (*1) wp_register_script('jquery','', false, '');

    (*2)wp_register_script('jquery','', false, '');


    Now, this goes beyond our level of support for your theme so if this doesn’t work we hope you are able to find a new theme or solution to update your theme.

    I thought I had access to premium support with my license key?

    My theme works fine, no problem on the site except with the event calendar plugin and this option list view.

    Thanks, P.


    Hi there,

    So when you switch to the default theme do you still have this problem? We do offer premium support but if its a theme issue there is only so much we can do.



    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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