After latest update upcoming events showing out of order

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    Also, will deleting the calendar plugins and reinstalling them erase the info (events/settings etc.) that I have in there now?

    No it should not delete any of the events or settings.

    I would always backup before hand though.

    If that does not work the next test maybe to move all your events to drafts and then create 4 new events at different times and see if they order correctly.



    I tried making all the events drafts and then adding four new events between Oct 14 and Jan 15. I approved them out of their date order to be sure. They are showing up in order! No idea how that worked. Any idea why that would happen so I can avoid it happening again? Thanks for all your help!


    It sounds like either your original theme or anther plugin was causing the conflict on publishing events causing the date to be wrong.

    You may try troubleshooting by changing back you theme, creating a couple events and seeing if everything works as it should.

    You can follow that same steps with the plugins as well.

    That could narrow down the conflict.


    Well, unfortunately, did a few more test events and approved them as i did before and it stopped working. Because I am not a professional developer, I don’t know enough to fix this on my own. Is there absolutely nothing more you can do on your end? If so, I will have to talk to my developer and see if there is anything he can do.


    I looked through all our recent threads and no one else is having this issue. So it is something unique about your site and host that is causing the conflict. We tried everything we have for the site side of things. There could be something that the host of the site can see and fix for timing such as this.

    I doubt it is a timezone issue as the times would only be off by hours, but you could try resaving your timezone and WordPress and see if that helps.

    If it worked for a bit and then stopped that is really strange and not sure what is being changed that would cause that by either our plugin or WordPress itself.

    I took another look at the site and the source code and see things running for pie-register has that always been active? Does it work with that turned off? That is the last thing I can think of that might be causing it.


    I thought the same thing about pie register. That was off the entire time we were troubleshooting. I only turned it back on when I thought it was all working. Thanks so much for all your help, I’ll touch base with our developer and see if this is something he can parse out.


    Ok I will keep this ticket open for now, so let me know if you have any more questions or if I think of anything else we can try I will post here.



    does it perhaps mean anything that I keep getting this error on the back end when updating plugins? (WordPress could not establish a secure connection to Please contact your server administrator.) in /sites/www2/ on line 295.

    It also says line 119 and 457. Just a shot in the dark that this might be related. Thanks,


    Not sure if that is related. I have not seen that before.

    I found this topic on of having the same issue, maybe that provides a way for you to find a solution too:


    Yes, my developer was able to figure it out. Apparently the events were listed by start time? He says it was actually a bug on your end. I’ll get his description of the error for you.


    Glad your developer was able to figure it out.

    Ok let me know what he says and I can bring it to the developers.



    Here is the fix:

    file name: tribe-event-query.class.php
    line number 645

    here is the offending code:
    $order_sql = "DATE(MIN({$postmeta_table}.meta_value)) {$order}, TIME({$postmeta_table}.meta_value) {$order}";

    Here is what it was changed to:
    $order_sql = "DATE({$postmeta_table}.meta_value) {$order}, TIME({$postmeta_table}.meta_value) {$order}";

    It didn’t used to be this way. Check out the source code from version 3.5 on github:
    look at line 590

    This is definitely a bug.


    Thanks for the information. I am not sure why this has been an issue only on your site, but I will bring this to the developers.

    I am going to close this ticket as there is nothing more we can do here. We will update you on this ticket if we have any news on it.

    If you need any other on something else please post a new ticket.



    Hi there,

    I wanted to post here and update you. Although we weren’t able to get a fix for the issue your reported into our upcoming 3.9 release, it is still on our list to get corrected. Thank you for reporting the problem, and for your patience and support while we get a solid fix in place. We’ll update you when a solution is ready to go.



    Hi there,

    Thank you for your support and patience while we worked on this issue. We are happy announce that we have incorporated a fix into our upcoming 3.10 release. Keep an eye out for a release announcement on our site and for updates available on your WordPress dashboard.

    While we have thoroughly tested this release and are confident of its quality, it is impossible to account for every edge case in the wide world of WordPress. If you run into trouble with the new version or you don’t see your reported issue corrected, please start a new thread and we will be happy to work with you.

    Thanks again for your patience here. We’re excited to get this version out the door and into your hands!

    The Events Calendar Team

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