Additional Attendee Information

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  • #1530303
    Beau Boeye

    Hi, I’m not entirely sure why my ticketed event’s attendee list is not pulling in the additionally information that I’m requesting from my users. i.e. for a fun run I’m requiring the attendee submit a t-shirt size, yet that information is not being relayed after the purchase.


    Hi there,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re having issues with the attendee information. I will try to help you get this sorted.

    Could you explain in more detail about the problem you are experiencing?

    You have created additional fields. Do the fields show up on the form?

    And when people fill out the fields, are the values being saved?

    Can you see the information when going to the attendees page from the admin? It will be in a column named “details” and can be accessed by clicking the “view details” dropdown arrow.


    Beau Boeye

    Yes, when someone chooses to purchase an event ticket, my additional fields do show-up, i.e. a drop-down box for a t-shirt size.

    Once the ticket is submitted, the information from the additional field is not being carried over to the attendee page. When I export the data, the column is there with the correct title (i.e. T-Shirt Size) but no data is there. My additional field is required for the ticket to be purchased.


    Thank you for the additional information.

    Can you show me a screenshot of the attendee information section with the custom field showing? I want to double check how you have it set up.


    Beau Boeye

    I’ve attached four screenshots of different views.


    Thank you for the screenshots.

    It looks like it is set up properly, but not saving at all to the database.

    Can you try something for me? Try “updating” this event, just by clicking the blue update button. Does this change anything when trying to purchase a ticket afterwards? I know that sounds random, but I’ve seen cases where dropdown values didn’t get saved into the database properly for some reason, and just saving the page fixed it.

    If that makes no change, I’m wondering if there could be a theme conflict preventing this from saving. I know Avada has some built in Events Calendar customizations, and something could be going wrong there. Can you try simulating a ticket purchase with the default Twenty Seventeen theme enabled, and all other plugins disabled?

    If you do not have a staging site, you can try using the WP Healthcheck plugin, which will allow you to switch to a default theme and disable plugins, but only for your user.

    Let me know how that all goes.


    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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