Adding Product to Order doesn't add person to Attendee List

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Adding Product to Order doesn't add person to Attendee List

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    So I migrating hosting to a faster server to help make WooCommerce and Event Ticket Plus run faster. That worked. Unfortunately when we migrated most of the Products were not attached to the Orders!

    Here’s the steps I do but when I got to the Attendees list for that event the person is not added! I’ve refreshed my site cache and the event cache to no avail.

    Here’s my steps:
    1. Switched Order to Pending so I could edit the details
    2. Click Add Item(s) and select the correct Event Ticket
    3. I added the right product to the Order
    4. Switch Order Status to Completed and Save Order

    Need help quick!


    Hi and welcome back,

    Sorry to see you’re having a bit of struggles with the transition. If you create a new ticketed event and go through the process, does this same behavior occur or do things act as they should?

    When transitioning content from A to B, often times it’s a matter of the order you import things. An example would be our own plugins. In order for locations and organizers to attach to the correct event, we recommend importing locations and organizers before events, that way the organizer and venue information “exists” and the imported events can properly refer to them in the database based on it’s relative data. More info on the matter can be found here:

    Obviously, there’s the potential a bug is present in our code, but if you could provide the results from adding a fresh event and possibly reexamine your transition approach just to make sure things were done in the proper order, it will give me a much better idea on how to proceed.

    Thanks and have a great evening!

    Support Droid

    Hey there! This thread has been pretty quiet for the last three weeks, so we’re going to go ahead and close it to avoid confusion with other topics. If you’re still looking for help with this, please do open a new thread, reference this one and we’d be more than happy to continue the conversation over there.

    Thanks so much!
    The Events Calendar Support Team

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