Adding post thumbnail to the event list

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Adding post thumbnail to the event list

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    I’ve followed the instructions given here: which has added a thumbnail where one exists, however I’ve got a number of issues.

    Posts with thumbnails and without are displaying differently. The vertical divider not consistently aligned and the metaboxes are different widths.

    We’re also finding that it’s not degrading nicely in a responsive theme. We’d expect start, end, venue etc to disappear or move below the post but it’s not.

    Can you assist, please?


    Hi Claire: can you provide a URL so we can see the problem you are describing?


    Sorry – I thought it was included in the drop down. Does this work:

    If you scroll down the page you’ll see there’s a post with a thumbnail for the formatting inconsistencies. Resizing the browser will show the responsive issues.


    Sorry – I thought it was included in the drop down.

    The URL was chopped off before the tilde, only the IP address was visible – could be a problem with our forum software though (I’ll check that out later).

    If you scroll down the page you’ll see there’s a post with a thumbnail for the formatting inconsistencies. Resizing the browser will show the responsive issues.

    Basically this is all a matter of styling – we’ve tried hard to make the calendar output look presentable in 99% of cases but there are always going to be scenarios where it doesn’t quite mesh with a theme or doesn’t quite behave how you would like. In these scenarios you can of course customize it.

    Template overrides provide a clean and safe way of completely changing the markup and structure of the calendar’s output, allowing you to work with a structure you understand or even that naturally inherits more of the theme’s look and feel.

    Adding new stylesheets (same principle as template overrides, you would copy events.css to your theme’s events folder and add appropriate new rules) is another way of changing the appearance.

    Particularly if you want it to behave responsively it may be that you will need to determine what these new rules should be by yourself (or working with a designer) if it is to really fit your theme like a glove.

    Another user, Andy Fraggen, also posted here on the forum about making The Events Calendar responsive and I believe he may even have written a plugin to automate much of this – so it could also be well worth finding and reading up on.



    I also have an issue with how this edit looks when done. Just to be clear, I have no advanced programming skills, I am merely a novice, so please have patience with me 😉

    1. First event comes up twice (se link)
    I have no idea why this happens, but whenever I click on activity list the first event heading comes up twice. Ofirst one on the top, before EVENT add-on even starts and the second as a regular headline (as it supposed to be I guss(?))

    2. The thumbnail appears BEFORE the headline and not under it, as the walk-through explains. It’s probably just a matter of placement of the code, but as I explained, I am not that good at this 😉

    – Using newest U-design Theme and WP
    – Event has a “featured Image” (If that is correct?)
    – Link til picture of issue:


    First event comes up twice

    That looks like a theme issue; can you try navigating to Events > Settings > Template and changing the default template setting? It may take some experimentation to get the right fit for your theme.

    The thumbnail appears BEFORE the headline and not under it

    It probably is placement of code as you suggest. Can you share your customized template code (using a service such as Pastebin or Gist – please don’t post code directly in the forum! It will not display correctly).



    Thank you for your swift reply.

    Yes, I also think it is a theme issue. I will investigate further

    Here is the link to the code:


    Does this amended version of that template provide a better result?

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