Adding new eventDisplay types (extending beyond map, photo, etc)

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO Adding new eventDisplay types (extending beyond map, photo, etc)

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  • #776306

    I had hackily customized the old version of ecp to include new “views” of events by simply adding to the logic within setOptions, templateChooser, etc. But within the new (better 🙂 ) structure I’d like to do it “the right way”. Seemed like adding a filter on tribe_events_pro_get_link would do it, but I’m having some difficulty capturing my “type” when passed via Any suggestions? Thanks!


    Hi Mike!

    It’s always a great idea to do things the right way and we actually put together a “stub” plugin to demonstrate how this all works:

    You can use this to see how everything pieces together and you are more than welcome to basically modify what you need and build on top of it to create your own views.

    Does that help?


    Excellent – where is the documentation on the plugin? The link given ( doesn’t work.


    Hi – sorry for the mixup.

    That’s no longer available and we’ll do our best to remove that link as soon as we can.

    It wasn’t something that went into any technical depth, though, it was just a summary of downloading and installing the agenda view plugin (which of course can be achieved by downloading it from GitHub in .zip format and uploading it like any other plugin).

    Really the agenda view plugin exists as a standalone example geared towards developers – we hope the structure and layout will serve as its own guide.

    Thanks again 🙂


    Okay – good enough. It served as an excellent template.


    <p>Good stuff :-)</p><p>I’ll go ahead and close this one out, but if we can help with anything else please don’t hesitate to create new threads as needed and one of the team will be only too happy to assist.</p><p>Thanks again!</p>

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